We got about 2" real late at night, plowed it this AM, and it hit 50 F today! Most of it is all melted already.
We got about 2" real late at night, plowed it this AM, and it hit 50 F today! Most of it is all melted already.
It could be, I've just never seen one that big but I looked at the trunk on the one by the coop earlier and it could be, the buds still throw me off though.
The work on my saw isn't anything wild. Ports widened, exhaust raised a hair, transfers untouched. I read on O P E that Randy doesn' touch the transfers on these saws either so they must be pretty good out of the box. Biggest change on my saw was squish it wouldn' touch sauder even with the base gasket pulled. After machine work it was at .014 took .006 of the outer edge of the piston to get .020. Don' know what compression is but the decomp actually has a reason to be there now.I kinda hope you get one just to see how my slightly MM one holds the rpms compared to yours in the cut.
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According to my inacurate BTU chart hornbeam is serious firewood.
I got mad piles waiting a splitter. But I got some rounds that are 24". Looking at this one....
That all sounds like the same that's going on in Southern Ontario near Toronto or similar high prices out in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.So you’ve heard about our bubble? The median house price for an average house in an average suburb (which is nothing special) is $1.175m Aud ($900k usd). We currently have 350 cranes in Sydney building apartments. We’ve had 30 years of falling interest rates and currently hold the world record for length without a recession.
It can only end one way IMHO.
We bought our house ten years ago, at the time the median price was $580k. On paper when I do the math I’ve earned $1,144 per week on the appreciation.
I had a friend that had spinal fusion and he's ok. That was a long time ago.Was thinking about it 6+hours tho. Wife is having L5 S1 fusion next week so most likely hold off.
I did not even talk to her yet about making the trip
Looks just like Cherry.View attachment 636563 does anyone know what kind of tree this is? View attachment 636565 it' growing out of this big piece that split off the main tree long ago. Iv seen mulberry do this but it' not mulberry.
It's just going to make me frustrated if I put 20" oak rounds under it and it wont split. The really big stuff is blocked into smaller pieces anyway so a smaller splitter might be ok. So what size cylinder/pump should I be looking for?If you actually look at the piston diameter , pump capacity, and engine speed and HP, most splitters are overrated in tonage, and many of the bigger ton ones have the same pump, making them slower.
22-25 ton should split 20" oak rounds unless it's narly crotches. heck some of guys here just use their fiskars.It's just going to make me frustrated if I put 20" oak rounds under it and it wont split. The really big stuff is blocked into smaller pieces anyway so a smaller splitter might be ok. So what size cylinder/pump should I be looking for?
To quote @nomad_archer "it all burns just throw it in the stove".
Pretty much BTU's are BTU's. But that mullberry is some pretty good stuff.