I love to watch the squirrels, they just do the funniest stuff. They did wipe out my cherry tomatoes this year, but even watching them steel the toms was funny,

Just got home. It’s a combination of overcast/misting/drizzling. I suppose I’ll head out to the pile and do a little cutting. Rain is supposed to start back up at 8.
Side question: If you cut down a hollow tree with a squirrel inside, will the squirrel survive the impact with the ground provided the tree doesn’t shatter?
A couple cuts with the 55, a full tank through the 550 and a half tank through the 346 tonight. Hoping that is enough to fill the truck and trailer tomorrow.
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Too far from the coast to get that fresh but we used to be able to buy frozen shark around here. I loved the taste and texture. Can’t find shark anywhere around here anymore.I'm with you most of the time, but if you ever get fresh Mako Shark steaks, they are something else. They take no back seat to beef. Mako, Yellowfin, and Wahoo on the grill 3-4 hours after caught, heaven.
Yes. Seen it happen. The g-forces involved are not that severe.
Might just have to start up a squirrel story thread! I've got a few, and I'm not particularly fond of having one crawl around on me, it's fun though, watching them thump their tails in disgust.
Question for you guys who hand file. What cutter angle do you use for chains that will primarily cut softwood? I just touched these up and I think every one was at a different angle. It would be nice to have everything standardized.
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We've had many squirrels survive impact with the ground. If we knew they had nests inside the trunk we would take an early lunch and the female would take the whole litter by the time we got back. One time we had a mother coon leave one kit and I bottle raised her. Annie, one of the best pets I ever had. People say they get mean. I didn't find that. They are very tough. I wore elbow high welding gloves when I played with her. Their claws don't retract like a cats. So, if one runs up your pants onto your shoulder, expect claw prints.
Other than that one hollow log that’s very much solid, everything else was perfect. And partially seasoned too.That wood doesn't look worthy of even splitting. That's some pretty rotten wood.
And the more oil content in the fish, the sooner it should be prepared! Mackerel, trout, and salmon do not store well in the freezer, they get super fishy!Beef (red meat) is best if aged, Fish and vegetables are best when fresh. And by fresh, I don't just mean that it was not frozen.
I have heard in places they will bring the water to a boil before they pick the corn, every second counts!
If freezing is necessary, water pack like that is much preferable.When I freeze fish, I fill the bag with water as well and then squish it down a bit to leave room for expansion. Has worked well for me.
We have an annual Mackerel tournament at Harkers Island NC. This will be the first year, in ten years, that I will miss it. Every boat fishes 4 days and has to take one day off. You can pick your day, and do what you want. We usually go offshore. The club buys dinner Sunday and Wednesday. Pulled pork, chicken, and sides. The other days we have grills set up in front of all the hotel rooms. Grill whatever was caught that day. There is just no comparison to fish right off the fillet table.If you can get fresh Tuna or Swordfish steaks, prepared correctly, they are about as good as anything you can get. But like venison steaks, don't over cook it, sear on the outside and leave the inside almost raw.
I used to go to a place in the Hamptons (LI) when I was on vacation. The restaurant was a converted house, and the owner got the fish fresh from the Captains every morning. It has long been closed, and it is tough to find places like that nowadays.
My grandfather was the same way. Gram had to have the water boiling before he would go pick the corn.We have an annual Mackerel tournament at Harkers Island NC. This will be the first year, in ten years, that I will miss it. Every boat fishes 4 days and has to take one day off. You can pick your day, and do what you want. We usually go offshore. The club buys dinner Sunday and Wednesday. Pulled pork, chicken, and sides. The other days we have grills set up in front of all the hotel rooms. Grill whatever was caught that day. There is just no comparison to fish right off the fillet table.
Corn on the cob! my Dad was one of the ones that had my Mom start the water as he walked down to the garden. People used to swear he put sugar in the water, he didn't. From the time I can remember he grew Silver Queen. I think, just before he passed, he might have tried Golden Queen a couple times.