Got my wood bucked today and ready for splitting. My grandson is 19 and had never ran a chainsaw, but he is really good at playing Madden. Anyways, I got him out and told him today you are going to learn to run a saw. I handed him my 55 and showed him how to crank it. We went over a few safety items and I got him started sawing some wood. I satyed with him for a while, stopping him from time to time just to point out a few things. Now all this sawing was pretty straight forward. I would take the tractor and lift the logs on top of bucked rounds so it was at a good height to walk up to and not have to worry about hitting the ground. Once the log was bucked, I would set another one up and let him have at it. After he had bucked about half a cord or so, I picked up another saw and started doing a little bucking myself. while cutting, I heard his saw change tune, I knew what had happened right off. He had stuck the saw in the dirt. I walked over and stopped him and asked if he knew what he had done, no, so I pointed at the ground and showed him the nice little ditch he had just dug with the saw. It was time for a break so I told him load up the saw and lets head to the house for a drink of water. We both where sweating pretty good. After letting the bar cool down I told him now its time to learn to file a saw. I went ahead and took the sthil 2in1 file and sharpened one side of the chain, explaining the angle, rakers height and chain tensioning. Then I turned the saw around and told him now you sharpen this side. He would file and I would correct his angles and he would file another tooth. By the time he went all the way around the chain, He had pretty much quit rocking the chain as he filed and he was paying more attention to the filing marks on the 2in1. I went ahead and touched up the teeth he had filed, just to even things up and we went back to bucking wood. I dont know if it was because I made him sharpen the saw, or some other reason, but he didnt hit the ground a single time after that. He also refused to cut from the bottom up on logs that would pinch the bar. We will work on that. We got everything bucked up and ready to split. His next day off we are going to have a splitting party.