him standing next to some monster rounds that I hauled a day or two earlier.
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You know us western states people are squinting trying to find the monster rounds…
him standing next to some monster rounds that I hauled a day or two earlier.
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Looking closer at the saw you are right . Going to have to mod it to direct it away from me . As it is now the exhaust hits the mill and wood and blasts meShouldn’t be exhaust coming out there unless someone drilled some holes, that’s just a “bumper” factory outlet should be on clutch side of muffler. I installed a 288 deflector on the front of the muffler on mine to direct exhaust down and away from me when milling, worked good.
Some big arse wood !!40” plus inch Ash .
You guys back east can have my deer...they're almost pests right now. They just hang out around my property, I could get one of them with a hammer if I so desired.Hi guys.
We switched locations closer to civilization and started seeing deer. My son saw three does last night but passed on them, wants his first deer to be a buck. I give him credit for that. I went out today for 3 hours and did not see anything but there were fresh tracks over my tracks from last night. 5 1/2 days left, we'll keep trying.
Was like that at the ranch in Montana. The deer were everywhere and basically tame. Back here in Pennsylvania, it's rare to see a trophy buck that's not on private land.You guys back east can have my deer...they're almost pests right now. They just hang out around my property, I could get one of them with a hammer if I so desired.
Guide to west coast timber sizes
Guide to west coast timber sizes:
Big...crappy panorama pic, but old broken top "outlaw" redwood. The oldtimers probably passed it up because of the huge cat face on the side of it and the top, there are even bigger ones in that particular section of woods. This one wasn't that tall, but would probably be 250'+ tall if it still had its top. Those are 30"ish DBH tanoaks next to it for comparison:
The thing I found was gnarly, proper crotchety, twisted and generally f***ed up gnarly, doesn't split when wedges either. Now I block these up. I screw my face up enviously when I read someone say, 'i just push rounds like that back in the forest ' as an urbanite getting deliveries from a tree guy I have to either run these bits to the tip, or block them up. Blocking them up is a pita but quicker and uses less fuel than a tip run. I have used 2.5 litres of mix through the Makita just blocking up the unsplitables that I'd set aside from this year's wood deliveries, and still another tank or two to go, but I've given up on wedges. Wedges I've decided, are for really really big rounds that you can't get started.... But even here I tend to apply the 'flake bits off the outside' method. My wedges are gathering dust and rust... Long may they continue!I don’t have a splitter. Used steel wedges and a sledge hammer for knarley stuff. I guess a lot of guys noodle them too.
I don't bother with wedges either. If my splitter can't split it (which is a very rare occurrence.) It's get noodled into manageable size then split with the splitter.The thing I found was gnarly, proper crotchety, twisted and generally f***ed up gnarly, doesn't split when wedges either. Now I block these up. I screw my face up enviously when I read someone say, 'i just push rounds like that back in the forest ' as an urbanite getting deliveries from a tree guy I have to either run these bits to the tip, or block them up. Blocking them up is a pita but quicker and uses less fuel than a tip run. I have used 2.5 litres of mix through the Makita just blocking up the unsplitables that I'd set aside from this year's wood deliveries, and still another tank or two to go, but I've given up on wedges. Wedges I've decided, are for really really big rounds that you can't get started.... But even here I tend to apply the 'flake bits off the outside' method. My wedges are gathering dust and rust... Long may they continue!
I started buying their "factory seconds". I've been pleasantly surprised how well these held up. I have a work and home pair. The hone pair is pretty rough, but this will be year 3 for it. The work pair is close to new as were mostly indoors for our overhaul season.
My exhaust cones out the side of the muffler.
I use the splitter for most everything, unless it's a nice straight grained wood and short pieces.
You most likely just arnt awear of the cord wood laws. Most of them are pretty obscure unless you live in an area where a lot of people heat with wood, like in my area.
The laws arnt enforced very well around here either, but if someone makes a big enough stink we all get a reminder that the only legal way to sell wood is by the cord/half cord.
Could be wrong, as I didn't look into it for your state, but I'd be surprised if there arnt any.