Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I do not give the address. Full stop.

I do give the location where I will meet. Driving a few miles to town is worth it to me. Then they are welcome to drive by that location slowly as often as they would like. I also don't bother selling anything under $20 - I'm always wondering why people go to the effort of creating an ad for a $5 item.

Simple, there are too many people stealing things today and people are living in fear. Way too many times I have given out my address and the buyers never show up. Now I tell them to call my home number when they get into town and ask for an exact time when they are going to call. I have many things that need to be done around our properties and don't feel I should have to waste my time on deadbeat buyers. Real buyers know when they are coming and what time they will get there. Losers say yeah, sometime today I can get there.

I will even meet people in the center of town rather than have them come to my house. Due to the amount of tools and saws I own I will never open my garage doors when a buyer is there. Paranoid, no. Careful, yes.
If I sell local, I give out my address when asked and request a rough eta. If the buyer doesn't show, he doesn't show. I don't care if people see what's in my garage, they're free to try and steal my **** at their own risk.
Swing away jack broke on my flat trailer . The nut welded to the lift tube stripped out . Tried to get the nut locally but it’s a 3/4 - 8 pitch left handed thread only place I could find one was McMaster . Not expensive but by the time I get it shipped welded and put back together I might as well have bought a new . So I modified an old jack from my cargo trailer that I had put an electric one on . Some cutting and welding it works well . Little light duty but I’ll order a 2k lbs one in the future . IMG_6589.jpegIMG_6590.jpegIMG_6591.jpeg
Another day of mowing grass and getting stuck. two says in a row I have had to pull my zero turn out of the ditch. Yesterday, I was mowing the side of the road leading by my house. I have done this many times never a problem. I always keep on tire on the edge of the pavement. Well, after a week of rain everyday I let the rear tire get a little close to the edge and whoops!, rear end slide into the ditch. No big deal, I had a chain on the back of my trailer so I walded to get it and was walking toward my tractor when I truck stopped beside my mower. I knew the guy and he motioned for me to bring the chain and he towed me out. another guy stopped to help also Once the mower was out, I took a little ribbing about drinking and mowing, which I wasnt, but it was good for a laugh. Today, I had to mow at my mother place. It takes me longer to get their than it does to mow, but she has about 1300ft of gravel driveway. My Uncle recently had a stroke and is still in the hospital and since his place joins my moms, I mow it too. Now both places have some steep ground but isnt a big problem if everything is dry. Today it wasnt dry. I got done with the major mowing and decided to run down the edge of the drive way and Whoops, slid into the ditch. Had to unhook my trailer and hook the truck to mower and got it out. I finished the mowing and headed out. 2 weeks ago I was bushhogging the place and had just finished up and was heading to load up. Tractor sputters and out of fuel. Of course, I had forgot my fuel can at home and its 17 miles to the closest place to buy fuel. Absolutely no cell coverage in this area. I was about to make the drive when one of my cousins pulled in. She said she had just driven by another cousins place and said there where people down by his shop. I knew he had a tractor and other equipment so I drove to his house and he wasnt there but his wife was. She gave me permission to get fuel out of his barrel and a jug to put it in. I was afraid the tractor wouldnt crank back without bleeding the fuel lines, but it fired right up. I loaded the tractor and headed home.

OK, this post has nothing to do with scroungeing wood, and I dont even own a wheel barrow, I just happen to be resting in my recliner and wanted to post something. This is the "and-other-stuff" forum.
Another day of mowing grass and getting stuck. two says in a row I have had to pull my zero turn out of the ditch. Yesterday, I was mowing the side of the road leading by my house. I have done this many times never a problem. I always keep on tire on the edge of the pavement. Well, after a week of rain everyday I let the rear tire get a little close to the edge and whoops!, rear end slide into the ditch. No big deal, I had a chain on the back of my trailer so I walded to get it and was walking toward my tractor when I truck stopped beside my mower. I knew the guy and he motioned for me to bring the chain and he towed me out. another guy stopped to help also Once the mower was out, I took a little ribbing about drinking and mowing, which I wasnt, but it was good for a laugh. Today, I had to mow at my mother place. It takes me longer to get their than it does to mow, but she has about 1300ft of gravel driveway. My Uncle recently had a stroke and is still in the hospital and since his place joins my moms, I mow it too. Now both places have some steep ground but isnt a big problem if everything is dry. Today it wasnt dry. I got done with the major mowing and decided to run down the edge of the drive way and Whoops, slid into the ditch. Had to unhook my trailer and hook the truck to mower and got it out. I finished the mowing and headed out. 2 weeks ago I was bushhogging the place and had just finished up and was heading to load up. Tractor sputters and out of fuel. Of course, I had forgot my fuel can at home and its 17 miles to the closest place to buy fuel. Absolutely no cell coverage in this area. I was about to make the drive when one of my cousins pulled in. She said she had just driven by another cousins place and said there where people down by his shop. I knew he had a tractor and other equipment so I drove to his house and he wasnt there but his wife was. She gave me permission to get fuel out of his barrel and a jug to put it in. I was afraid the tractor wouldnt crank back without bleeding the fuel lines, but it fired right up. I loaded the tractor and headed home.

OK, this post has nothing to do with scroungeing wood, and I dont even own a wheel barrow, I just happen to be resting in my recliner and wanted to post something. This is the "and-other-stuff" forum.
Sounds like muddstopper is a good handle for u now ditch lover. :laughing:
It's called paranoia....
Last week I messaged a guy with 3 pasture gates for $75. He messaged me back with the address and said leave the money in the water pot in the greenhouse. I bought a 12 foot tubular gate, a 10 and 8 foot galvanized flat panel all for $75. This guy was trustworthy. I did leave him the money.
If somebody offers them a few more bucks than you're agreed on price they can sell it without you confronting them in person.
I have had that happen to me and the seller never messaged me. I got there and he said he sold it for more money. He got an earful of four letter words from me. I drove 40 miles to get this item. Most recently a guy was holding a motorcycle platform Jack for me. We planned on a 12pm meeting. I get there and he says he already sold it. This was a 60 mile run to get this. The guy showed up early to pick it up. I pulled out my phone and showed him our messages. He said that he asked him if he was Jim. He replied yeah. Then he said I thought you weren't coming until noon. The guy said to him that he was able to get there earlier. When I told him how far I had come to get this he gave me money for gas and was very apologetic.
Yesterday was a very good day. I was fishing thru my bedside nightstand for my casino card that I haven't used in probably 6 - 8 years. I couldn't find the card but in the right front corner was a stash of cash that I put there almost 3 years ago and forgot about it. $750 in slush fund money. LOL.
I do not give the address until people are basically leaving their house. I’ve never had somebody flake out on me in that situation. If you give them the address the day before half the time they don’t show up or you get a suspicious looking vehicle driving by Slowly
Its called making an appt. If someone commits to being here, its at a specific hour. Show up early, or late, and you are sent away. I've never had to use the later, just mention it.
Yesterday was a very good day. I was fishing thru my bedside nightstand for my casino card that I haven't used in probably 6 - 8 years. I couldn't find the card but in the right front corner was a stash of cash that I put there almost 3 years ago and forgot about it. $750 in slush fund money. LOL.
Slush fund translates to new saw where I come from.....
At least my ferd ain't squatting like a female dog taking a leak :laughing:.
I was thinking of you today prior to reading this conversation, 5800lb stump grinder, it's a beast.
Pulled it up there for the photo op, but I didn't haul it there, but I was considering putting my big Kubota on there with it, there just wasn't enough room, I'll pick it up tomorrow after dropping the grinder off.
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My turn to be enlightened......
Why do people refuse to give you an address until you are pulling out of the drive when purchasing something on Facebook? Even had one that refused to give it to me til I was within a mile of his town. ????? Told him no thanks he could keep it. So why the secrecy with the 007 agents? They end up giving it to you anyway so why does 30 minutes make such a difference??
Because half the people who say they are coming don't.
If they say sometime today, or maybe today, I just tell them to give me a call back when they are available. Not just for security, but also because I'm not giving them the address when I may not be there later.
I do not give the address. Full stop.

I do give the location where I will meet. Driving a few miles to town is worth it to me. Then they are welcome to drive by that location slowly as often as they would like. I also don't bother selling anything under $20 - I'm always wondering why people go to the effort of creating an ad for a $5 item.
Simple, there are too many people stealing things today and people are living in fear. Way too many times I have given out my address and the buyers never show up. Now I tell them to call my home number when they get into town and ask for an exact time when they are going to call. I have many things that need to be done around our properties and don't feel I should have to waste my time on deadbeat buyers. Real buyers know when they are coming and what time they will get there. Losers say yeah, sometime today I can get there.
I'm a loser then :laugh:.
Did buy 4 windows for the barn last week though :clap:. Hope to get them in within the next couple weeks, but I'll call for the address when I know for sure lol.
At least my ferd ain't squatting like a female dog taking a leak :laughing:.
I was thinking of you today prior to reading this conversation, 5800lb stump grinder, it's a beast.
Pulled it up there for the photo op, but I didn't haul it there, but I was considering putting my big Kubota on there with it, there just wasn't enough room, I'll pick it up tomorrow after dropping the grinder off.
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Them's fightin' words...... you Ford guy......

Yeah, I'm not very happy with the stock springs under my rig... way too squishy.... if I keep it around I'll probably put air bags under it (for when I need to tow broken fords & dodges)....
I haul some fairly heavy loads with my Silverado, it handles them just fine,


Them's fightin' words...... you Ford guy......

Yeah, I'm not very happy with the stock springs under my rig... way too squishy.... if I keep it around I'll probably put air bags under it (for when I need to tow broken fords & dodges)....
I can say it because my 99 suburban used to look like that lol.
Today I checked all my tires on the truck and trailer, and set the bags air 30psi :).
It doesn't ride as smooth as the ole 99, but I like it a lot.
I will even meet people in the center of town rather than have them come to my house. Due to the amount of tools and saws I own I will never open my garage doors when a buyer is there. Paranoid, no. Careful, yes.
That I get. If I'm selling something, that item is on my porch. Only guys in the circle have seen inside my saw shed.
Its called making an appt. If someone commits to being here, its at a specific hour. Show up early, or late, and you are sent away. I've never had to use the later, just mention it.
I very rarely had anybody show up late. They either show up on time or early or sometimes obnoxiously early. If they’re late, they’re usually not coming.

I had a bunch of 350 Chevy parts that I sold when I was in college… The guy was very polite, but definitely a strange bird… He would show very early, even though I will tell him not to come until a certain time because I’m not home from work until then. Because we were pulling the parts from several different trucks, he needed to come a couple times and he kept coming up super early. It freaked out my girlfriend now ex-wife because he would come and knock on the door and then when I wasn’t there, he would sit in his truck until I got there.

A few months later, his son was named as a suspect in a very high profile abduction. They found child porn on the sons phone and he committed suicide shortly afterwards. They never found the little girl.
Good evening, hope everyone had a good week. Spent some time with the family today sense I’m gone during the week so no firewood this week. Did get some more of the nice red fir last weekend though IMG_1215.jpeg
Been running the big red saw at workIMG_1213.jpeg
Chain is little bigger than the one on my saw…IMG_1230.jpeg
I’ve owned ford, chevy, and dodge, they all seem to have about the same amount of problems. The one I had the least amount of problems with did happen to be a ford, and probably the best looking….😁IMG_3616.jpeg
Credit to the previous owner for all the work he put into before I bought it.

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