Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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some nice sized rounds

Im assuming you sell split fire wood being you take it to your friends store? how much is a fire wood permit there? very first pic, is that little tent in the background your holiday in for the night? looks fun

Big and heavy!

We barter with them, they split and sell it to campers.

Permit was $20 for 4 cord worth of tags.

My nephew stayed in that tent.

Hard work, but I enjoy it.
Was over at my dad's place this morning and got his mower going for him...then got conned into moving his grass.. 3 hours later we got it done. I sure wish he would get another big mower. In two weeks I have to run over and mow for him, I'm taking my kubota with me, bet i can cut that time in half. he did give me enough boards to make the concrete forms for the shop. that was appreciated and will save me a pile of money. Came back home and started cleaning up since the rain set in. Got a decent amount cleaned up, now just gotta go through the junk pile one more time and make sure there's nothing I want to throw away.
Got rid of more then I thought I was going to.... decided there was no point in keeping all of my (now) outdated engine training books and old update seminar books. I kept all the certificates of completion. I forgot how many engines the machine shop was servicing dealer for.
Seems like we are loosing lots of trees everywhere! Chestnut, Elm and Ash are gone in a lot of places, and Beech and Hemlock are reduced by blights.

I really appreciate that I have a variety of hardwoods on my property in the Catskill Mountains, but then, just think about it! The Catskill Mountains were virtually 100% Hemlock till they clearcut them all to use the tannic acid to tan leather for the Civil war effort! Imagine, the sparsely populated Catskill Mountains being virtually clearcut with hand tools and transported by animal (until you reached a train track)! Boggles the mind!

Hemlock was also a preferred wood for barn siding. As long as you kept it off the ground, it did not rot. It would often last over 100 years even if it was NEVER stained! The farmers loved it, because unstained barns were taxed at a lower rate! My cousin told me it absorbed minerals from the rainwater and got harder with age.
a load of wood and a big foot... sounds like a good score to me!!:happybanana:

I hear ya on the vertically challenged.

I'm planning on selling my current sport bike (I get in way to much trouble on it and I'm getting burned out on that crap) and getting what Iv always wanted. an old school dual sport Honda XR650L. they have been making that dinosaur with no changes since the 90's!!. problem I am trying to solve is I'm am 5'8" and the seat Hight is a whopping 37". I can find a 1" lower seat and and an adjustable lowering link for the rear suspension (it can afford it as it has the most ground clearance in the bunch due to the dry sump motor) slide the forks up in the triple tree an inch and I THINK I may be able to tip toe both feet at a stop light :clap: :lol: or just slide a cheek off the seat and one foot it. im ready to be the old guy on the dual sport dirt bike with the big square headlight and rack on the back. maybe even a milk crate to really top it off.

If I cant make that work it will be the DR650
What sport bike.
I rode a 500xr that I rebuilt from the ground up, I had quite the lean going when I stopped lol. It was a great bike on trails or at the dunes after a good rain, the yz250 had a paddle for when it was dry there.
I'm thinking of getting another golf cart(sold my last one) just in case the neighborhood ever has an bad apples.
Took a couple modest ash off the rail trail Monday. Both had rotten roots and the larger one took out the smaller one on the way down. A 2+" grape vine was wrapped around the bigger one too. There were others that needed to be cut but a heavy thunderstorm rolled in so I bailed. I anticipate there will be more downed tree reports tomorrow as several strong thunderstorms rolled through Tuesday. This based on the NY-Alert reports about road closures due to downed trees and wires...

My son saw Chain Locker storage cases listed on a supplier's site so he ordered some for inventory. He and a couple other guys at the shop said they've been selling like crazy. Who woulda thought?! Anyone here using them?
View attachment 1093422
Don't remember seeing those before, that could come in handy.
And Made In The USA 🇺🇸 :happy:.
I should order one now just because of that.