Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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But the NYS Greenies keep ruining my view!

Every time we go up there are more of them!
Try putting a few of them up in the lower counties . The McMansion people would be up in arms lawsuits would be flying . It’s “Im all for it but not in my backyard crowd “

And god forbid if you want to log your property all the citiots would be protesting and suing you . But it’s ok to put these ugly things in the middle of nature
how did the stitching issues come out re the aftermarket set?
I had it fixed . The company gave me 3 or 4 yards of material and a rebate . My local guy sowed up a new back . Actually all he had to do was take it apart and redo the pleats . They were just one pleat short on each side . Matches up great now
If it's anything like around my area, free wood is tough to locate anymore, especially of any quality and or quantity. Fuel prices went way up and every Tom, Richard and Harry I'd burning wood or asking primo prices for yard trees full of nails and fencing. Been fortunate to be helping out my logging buddy enough to keep me in wood the past few years.
not so here! it rains oak firewood. another nice scrounge... umm, can we still use that word on this thread? 🤔 . just fell off a big oak tree. has been offered to me... but the QB said she din't like the widow maker aspect of it! ~ :oops:

film at 11 !
Just got back from a couple of days at my off grid cabin. Hey @H-Ranch here is the new addition to my fleet of two wheel barrows. The tires came with tubes in them but no air. Aired them up to 25lbs each. I can only assume they shipped them that way to save the expense of shipping 50 more pounds in the box. Thinking about using it for my entry in the wheel barrow races. Will you be my coach? Think I will henceforth be referring to it as the dually.
👍 dually, yes!

i :heart: mine! 10 cu ft
not me! was up at ranch and 102f in the shade. took 3 days to get outside work in the groove, but by them time to return to the big city! maybe next week! lol....
Monsoon season here. Every day or so we have rounds of rain not just a light rain but deluge.

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