Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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We saw bear on both Saturday and Sunday, and I'm still shaking my head over both encounters.

On Saturday morning, we took a hike to the logging road that runs across the back on my property and found very fresh, large, bear droppings (looked like it came out of a horse). So, we go back down to the cabin and get a trial camera to set up there. We go back up on the ATV (which is not quiet) and stop and my daughter gets off (I stay on with my granddaughter) and she goes 30' in front of the ATV. Two minutes later she looks further in front and spots a large bear that runs off when she sees it. We found some of the footprints and they were good size.

I'm shaking my head that the ATV did not scare the bear away before my daughter saw it!

On Sunday we hike up the trail behind my cabin. It goes uphill for a bit then it levels as we go around to the right, and we retrieve a trail cam that is not working near the back corner of my property (and move it). On the way back down the hill about a half hour later, only about 75 yds above my cabin, my granddaughter is walking about 20' in front of my daughter and I and all of a sudden, we hear branches breaking and my granddaughter turns around and comes running back to us. The breaking branches continue (almost sounding like a herd of elephants were coming) and a medium sized bear comes out of a tree less than 50 yds away and runs away.

I wonder if he was there when we went up the hill, and just was afraid he was spotted when we were coming back down!

Then my daughter goes to the outhouse on Saturday night and tells me she heard something on the driveway. Well, the trail cam says she did!

We had a weekend adventure! Notice that both pictures are from the same camera, so you see where the outhouse is in the daytime picture.
Bears are funny. They are super scaredy cats until they arent. There must be a lot of food nearby.
I got tired after fiddling with Quadrajet carbs I’ve had two on this engine both rebuilt by reputable shops . Never ran well so today I said screw it bought an adapter to put the Edelbrock competition 625 cfm that I had rebuilt for my AMX. . Truck runs like a completely different vehicle . I’ll have to figure out how to hook up the electric kick down for the trans but it’s nice having it run smoothly again . It’s a little big since it was set up for high performance 390 this is a little 327 with 250hp need to finish the plumbing with hard line but I was using what I had on hand View attachment 1100064
I feel your pain and relief. I have had some carb gremlins myself with a couple of outboards. Finally said screw it and popped in carbs off of parts motors. Boom solved.
We are currently hearing a BAD noise in the neighborhood! On the block in back of me, the well drillers have been going constantly all day yesterday and today.

Pump replacements are not a big deal, but drilling deeper for long periods of time is never a good sign! It also often negatively impacts other wells nearby.

My well has been good for several years now (since I drilled deeper and spent almost $20 grand), but this makes me nervous! My well is 1,325 feet and my pump is at 850 feet. It would be VERY EXPENSIVE to go deeper with the pump. (Replace the plastic water lines with metal, larger pump, new heavier duty electrical wire)!

Fingers crossed!
@JustPlainJeff . Post pics of the offending tree. Lots of guys in here with experience.
I thought about taking pictures of the tree AFTER we'd left there to come back to our full-time house! You know that whole thing about hindsight being 20/20! :) It'll probably be next week or the week after before I got back to cut it down.

But ya, the tractor's about 10K and the tree isn't that large. It definitely shouldn't be a tail wagging the dog situation anyway. What you and everybody else who chimed in to help said has made perfect sense to me, and thank you for all of your input! I will be cutting the notch after reading your comments. This normally wouldn't be that big of a situation, it's just the proximity to the house that makes the landing spot so important. Also, if I didn't think I could do it safely, I'd have no qualms about bringing in a tree service with a climber or a bucket truck to do it. I think I can be honest enough with myself to know when a job is too big or dangerous for me. Thanks again guys!
I thought about taking pictures of the tree AFTER we'd left there to come back to our full-time house! You know that whole thing about hindsight being 20/20! :) It'll probably be next week or the week after before I got back to cut it down.

But ya, the tractor's about 10K and the tree isn't that large. It definitely shouldn't be a tail wagging the dog situation anyway. What you and everybody else who chimed in to help said has made perfect sense to me, and thank you for all of your input! I will be cutting the notch after reading your comments. This normally wouldn't be that big of a situation, it's just the proximity to the house that makes the landing spot so important. Also, if I didn't think I could do it safely, I'd have no qualms about bringing in a tree service with a climber or a bucket truck to do it. I think I can be honest enough with myself to know when a job is too big or dangerous for me. Thanks again guys!
I don't have the pics anymore, but last November I rented one of those towable boom lifts for a half-day to remove a large sugar maple that was leaning over my in-laws house. Cost me $145, completely eliminated the risk of trashing mom's house and provided 5-6 face cord of top-shelf firewood without having to pay a tree service boo-koo deniro.
I’m still in the mountains, came up Thursday. I helped the Forest Service clear a 4WD trail on the weekend. We didn’t make it to the top, because of snow. They didn’t want to risk terrain damage, plus the 4 Runner that went first, smacked a tree as it passed. We’ll look at going back in 2 weeks.

I don't have the pics anymore, but last November I rented one of those towable boom lifts for a half-day to remove a large sugar maple that was leaning over my in-laws house. Cost me $145, completely eliminated the risk of trashing mom's house and provided 5-6 face cord of top-shelf firewood without having to pay a tree service boo-koo deniro.
Wow, I'm surprised that it only cost 145.00 to rent that. That's not bad at all. It's been years since I've had to rent anything, and back when I did, I had a friend that was a mechanic at the rental place, so he always got me what I considered good deals on the rental fees. I thought renting pretty much ANYTHING nowadays would be pretty expensive. Or at least more expensive than you paid for the man-lift.
We are currently hearing a BAD noise in the neighborhood! On the block in back of me, the well drillers have been going constantly all day yesterday and today.

Pump replacements are not a big deal, but drilling deeper for long periods of time is never a good sign! It also often negatively impacts other wells nearby.

My well has been good for several years now (since I drilled deeper and spent almost $20 grand), but this makes me nervous! My well is 1,325 feet and my pump is at 850 feet. It would be VERY EXPENSIVE to go deeper with the pump. (Replace the plastic water lines with metal, larger pump, new heavier duty electrical wire)!

Fingers crossed!
WOW, I thought my well was bad at 465 feet deep. We fracked it a few years ago and no longer have a problem with running out of water.
Any tree can barber chair.
Yep for sure. Seems like added pressure increases the chances. I mentioned it knowing some fellas reading may not have had much experience with it. At one point I knew nothing about it and appreciated a more experienced feller trying to keep my noggin' attached! Lol
We are currently hearing a BAD noise in the neighborhood! On the block in back of me, the well drillers have been going constantly all day yesterday and today.

Pump replacements are not a big deal, but drilling deeper for long periods of time is never a good sign! It also often negatively impacts other wells nearby.

My well has been good for several years now (since I drilled deeper and spent almost $20 grand), but this makes me nervous! My well is 1,325 feet and my pump is at 850 feet. It would be VERY EXPENSIVE to go deeper with the pump. (Replace the plastic water lines with metal, larger pump, new heavier duty electrical wire)!

Fingers crossed!
Man I’m glad I don’t have a well . My water comes from a natural spring that runs 24/7 my spring house basically a little shed built on a cement basin has over flowed numerous times to much water for the pipe running to the Cistern to handle .