My well was originally (1985) at 525 feet and the static level was 100'. When they replaced the pump, the static level was 200'. Then, more folks had to drill deeper and during a dry spell I went dry. My static level was 500'.WOW, I thought my well was bad at 465 feet deep. We fracked it a few years ago and no longer have a problem with running out of water.
They drilled to 1,325 and did not hit any additional water, but I think some seems opened up after that. The guy diagonally in back of me had to drill a few years ago and hit additional water at about 750 feet. I think he, the person next to me, and I are all on the same vein, so that bodes well for me.
The house next to me on the other side, and the house across the street from him both had to drill past 1,000', but both hit good water between 900 and 1,200' (10-15 gal/min).
We are on a clay capped (naturally) hill, so a lot of the water is not absorbed, and it was once all summer homes, so it is overbuilt. Lot size is 100' X 150' with well and septic. The current zoning has increased to 2 acres. Luckily, I also own the vacant lot in back of me, and the lot across the street from me is also vacant.
But when someone has to drill deeper, it often resembles a game of dominoes, and the drillers stay busy for a while.