Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I've had good luck with Cabela's brand scopes. I had a pine ridge 2-7 on my thutty-thutty. Kept it at 2 for fast acquisition. Longer shots I had time to dial it up usually. Had a 3-12x50 on a 25-06 which was mint off the bench but offhand I was dreaming if I could use anymore than half that magnification... Or accurately shoot over half the effective range of that rifle without a bench rest. I never could hit jack crap with open sights, kudos to those who can, I really like the 2-7 for useful range.
I never could hit jack crap with open sights, kudos to those who can,
A peep sight can greatly improve things (over a V rear sight), which often seems to change with the light/reflection. Your eye seems to automatically center the peep even if you don't see it clearly.

Also, a gun that holds well helps tremendously. I always shot well offhand with my Model 94 with the 26" Octagon barrel. It just held well for me and did not seem to move when you pulled the trigger. The greater distance between front and rear sights also helps.

As I got older, I converted all my open sight rifles to peep sights.

May I offer some various thoughts I've had today?
Men who have gained knowledge of a topic sometimes offer it in an overly harsh tone.
Sometimes that's not the case at all but rather the lack of being able to hear the inflection of a statement in written text can cause one to think that was the case.

It would be my hope that no men on this site ever block or ignore another, but rather reason together peaceably so that we carry on as friends.

No gun, saw ,scope, truck ( though gm is the best lol) is worth good men being upset with each other.

I'm sure I'm as guilty as anyone of getting my nose out of joint somewhere where a long the way and was an inconsiderate jerk so I will apologize profusely now!!

Lastly, pride destroys and divides every time - no exceptions. The good news is on drop forgiveness can repair a sea of said destruction!

Now lets scrounge on and let the ford / Chevy, Remington / Mossberg, to scope or not to scope discussions carry on in respectful fun!

Hope this was not out of line and was received as intended.

Go back and read your post, your entire reply was a ***** fest about your superior quality equipment that all your friends want to use, because theirs is junk and doesn't work. Insinuating that no one else hunts in as rough of conditions as you. Which is bull to the highest degree. It's all typical coming from you, every single time anything hunting or gun related comes up, you start going on about how much you know and how wrong the rest of us are. It's gotten old, really old.
Geee, if I had friends trying to use my equipment, there MUST have been "someone" hunting in as rough of conditions as me. lol lol

BTW, that was on a brown bear hunt on the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska, you ever hunted brown bear? Have you ever been in Kenai Peninsula weather conditions out on the Aleutian Islands? Fall bear hunts are something else down there!!

IF, you haven't been on hunts like that, that go on for weeks at a time, then I'd say you haven't been on hunts in as rough conditions as I hunted in "regularly", many of them were winter hunts and all of them were in small unheated tents. Here's one of them,


I had a guy fly me in and drop me off, and I was by myself for 14 days on that hunt. (As I remember) Went down to zero almost every night. I filled my freezer with Sitka Blacktails on that hunt.

No going home to ma ma every night.

Geee, if I had friends trying to use my equipment, there MUST have been "someone" hunting in as rough of conditions as me. lol lol

BTW, that was on a brown bear hunt on the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska, you ever hunted brown bear? Have you ever been in Kenai Peninsula weather conditions out on the Aleutian Islands? Fall bear hunts are something else down there!!

IF, you haven't been on hunts like that, that go on for weeks at a time, then I'd say you haven't been on hunts in as rough conditions as I hunted in "regularly", many of them were winter hunts and all of them were in small unheated tents. Here's one of them,


I had a guy fly me in and drop me off, and I was by myself for 14 days on that hunt. (As I remember) Went down to zero almost every night. I filled my freezer with Sitka Blacktails on that hunt.

No going home to ma ma every night.

That is rough stuff for sure. Makes for good stories and memories tho!
I loved every minute of it and IF I was still young, I'd still be out there!

I've not got to go on long hunts but I may some day. I stay pretty busy with ministry stuff. I enjoy hearing about you all's adventures. Especially Kodiak kid. Where is that guy anyway???? Out on a boat??
I've had good luck with Cabela's brand scopes. I had a pine ridge 2-7 on my thutty-thutty. Kept it at 2 for fast acquisition. Longer shots I had time to dial it up usually. Had a 3-12x50 on a 25-06 which was mint off the bench but offhand I was dreaming if I could use anymore than half that magnification... Or accurately shoot over half the effective range of that rifle without a bench rest. I never could hit jack crap with open sights, kudos to those who can, I really like the 2-7 for useful range.
Agreed! I don’t own any currently, but was very happy with all the ones I’ve owned over the years.

May I offer some various thoughts I've had today?
Men who have gained knowledge of a topic sometimes offer it in an overly harsh tone.
Sometimes that's not the case at all but rather the lack of being able to hear the inflection of a statement in written text can cause one to think that was the case.

It would be my hope that no men on this site ever block or ignore another, but rather reason together peaceably so that we carry on as friends.

No gun, saw ,scope, truck ( though gm is the best lol) is worth good men being upset with each other.

I'm sure I'm as guilty as anyone of getting my nose out of joint somewhere where a long the way and was an inconsiderate jerk so I will apologize profusely now!!

Lastly, pride destroys and divides every time - no exceptions. The good news is on drop forgiveness can repair a sea of said destruction!

Now lets scrounge on and let the ford / Chevy, Remington / Mossberg, to scope or not to scope discussions carry on in respectful fun!

Hope this was not out of line and was received as intended.

You make many excellent points.

With that being said, I do feel the element of respect is tossed out the window by certain individual(s) when certain topics come up. There is a way to respectfully disagree and then on the flip side there is what’s going on here.

FWIW I don’t have anybody here on ignore. I know that I’ve earned my way onto backyard lumberjacks ig list. Someone should tell him that I send him a big kiss Lolol.
You make many excellent points.

With that being said, I do feel the element of respect is tossed out the window by certain individual(s) when certain topics come up. There is a way to respectfully disagree and then on the flip side there is what’s going on here.

FWIW I don’t have anybody here on ignore. I know that I’ve earned my way onto backyard lumberjacks ig list. Someone should tell him that I send him a big kiss Lolol.
Maybe the secret is stepping back and realizing we are all imperfect. Find a way to properly and with the right intentions help folks see where they may have went a little sideways.
Lord knows I've needed it many times. I've benefited every time I have accepted right and proper reproof and I have deeply regretted EVERY time I haven't.
You messed my whole night up with that image of you and B L by the way!😱😱😱😱
I know you mean well, and I respect your effort, but I grew up in the shadow of NYC and I don't let folks crap on me, and he is about the only one on this site that tries to do it.

With all due respect for the hunts he has been on, I've been on numerous audits that were more dangerous than any of his hunts, so he does not intimidate me, and it does not give him the right to pretend that he is the wizard of knowledge and the rest of us don't know anything.

Like SVK says, you can disagree with someone respectfully and make your points and everyone is fine with it, or you can do it like he does it. I ignore a lot of it, but when I've heard enough, I make my comments. From what I understand, it is very healthy to vent and not hold it in! FYI, I don't put anyone on ignore, it is not my style.
Once again, different strokes for different folks. Not everyone needs a Leupold scope to fill their freezer or plink a few empty cans.
I agree completely! I also have Bushnell, Burris, Vortex, Weaver, and a few other scopes. My M70 win 338 has a 1.75 x 6 Leupold, as an example of one that "needs to work"!
I have been a firearms dealer for a long time!