Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Whew, I’ve been gone a hot minute. Not even gonna try to catch up.

Been way too busy with work to do any wood cutting, but winter is coming and I need to get wood in soon.

Anyway. Last time I was around we were talking about square grinders. Today I picked up a “lightly used” simington 451c and I gotta say this thing is getting the better of me.

First off, it’s missing the stops for the arm, as well as the adjustment screw for the depth, but I don’t think either of these is a huge deal.

The angles seemed way off at first but I figured out I had to adjust the dressing stones for the wheel and am pretty happy with the grind now.

However, when you swing around to grind the other side of the chain it’s not even close to grinding the same, and my understanding was that it should grind both sides pretty much the same when you swing around to the other side.

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You may want to shim the motor a bit, but all of them are off a little.
It’s strange to see a failed wheel that didn’t rust out first
I looked at mine past night before moving/ grading another 10yrds of fill, the cracks weren't any bigger. This one may have started cracking because the lugs loosened up. When I looked last night I had 3 lugs loose, back this spring when I had my tire issuesn I had one lug/lug nut that wouldn't tighten(must have gotten a piece of sand in the threads). I'm guessing the others loosened up because of that one, and then the wheel developed the cracks. As Rob was saying, Mines done quite a bit of heavy lifting too, as I have the skidding winch on back, so I can carry a lot more than a similar tractor, even with a ballast box(I also have filled tires).
I just want to throw in my 2 cents on the subject of scopes. I remember the first scope I bought. It was a Simmons 3x9x44mm. They called it the 44 Mag. My buddy was a big fan of Redfield. Always bragging about how well it gathered light. We where at his house and it was night time and he offered to let me see just how well his scope gathered light. I scanned the fence line across the field and thought, yea I could see decently, maybe enough to shoot a deer If I wanted to. Then I stepped over to my car and dragged out my model 70 Winchester with that 44mag scope and scanned that same fence line and told my buddy, I can see pretty good with this scope too, in fact I can see that deer standing down there. He jerked his rifle up and looked as hard as he could and said what deer. I handed him my rifle and sure enough, there was a deer standing at the fence. So much for the expensive scope being better than the cheap one. This was way back in the 1970's and I have owned several different scopes since then. I still own a Simmons 3x9 on my 22mag marlin. I currently own the Leupole varix3 4x15 I think, I bought a Althion same power and at 1000 yards it beats the heck out of the leupole for clarity. I recently bought a couple of Truglow, 4x15x50 with 30mm tubes. $100 from Midway. Got them mounted on two rifes, but havent zeroed either in yet. One of the Truglows replaced a 3x9Tasco off a sporterized 8mm mauser. That Tasco scope had been on that mauser for at least 40 years and never lost zero or had to be rezeroed since it was mounted. Good enough to shoot the head off a chicken, another story. That scope is setting on top of my gun cabinet waiting on a new future rifle. I dont think todays tasco are quite as good as the old ones, but I cant say for sure. I had a Busnell 3x9 on my 742 30-06 that went blurrry a few years ago. I replaced it with a varix3. I was told I could send it back to the factory and they would repair or replace it, but havent gotten around to checking on that. At any rate, I wear bifocals now and just cant seem to be able to line the iron sights up on any rifle with my glasses on, and cant see what I am shooting at with my glasses off, so I have went to scoped rifles on just about everything. With my Essential tremors, I cant hold steady enough to shoot off hand and have a hard time holding with a sled or rest. I bought all those high power scopes because I was hunting large wide open fields, but Never killed a deer there at more than 150 yards and lost a few because I had the scope turned up to high and couldnt find the deer in the scope. With that said, I dont think the price one pays for a quality scope is more important than having a scope that just plain ass works for the hunting you will actually be doing. Will my 7mm remmag with the Athlion 4x15 scope shoot 1000 yards, probably, but someone else beside me better be holding it.
I know you mean well, and I respect your effort, but I grew up in the shadow of NYC and I don't let folks crap on me, and he is about the only one on this site that tries to do it.

With all due respect for the hunts he has been on, I've been on numerous audits that were more dangerous than any of his hunts, so he does not intimidate me, and it does not give him the right to pretend that he is the wizard of knowledge and the rest of us don't know anything.

Like SVK says, you can disagree with someone respectfully and make your points and everyone is fine with it, or you can do it like he does it. I ignore a lot of it, but when I've heard enough, I make my comments. From what I understand, it is very health to vent and not hold it in! FYI, I don't put anyone on ignore, it is not my style.
Understood. Always better to vent as opposed to completely explode.

I hope mutual ground is reached in the end.

Just because I'm a curious guy, what's an audit??
Saved another nice saw from storage wars.
Sweet. I picked up a little 245 for $ 40.
I helped the guy fix it a time or two along the way and he remembered me when he was ready for a larger saw.
Sorry it is a 235!
Pasture fenceline, dead leaner. Unknown "hardwood".
Dunno, but I kinda think this works: fence line tree, heavy lean, drop where it's leaning. Make the notch. Only about a 12" tree so plunge cut ABOVE the notch V point then out the the back. Seems like it about guarantees the trunk will split down to the notch, drop where I want it and all is well. Is there downside to doing it this way that I'm not considering?


'tween our property and neighbor's from the recent storm I've added 2 1/2 cords to the 20 cord in the racks. There's prolly another 3 cord nearby needs to be cut n split maybe it'll wait for cool fall weather.

May I offer some various thoughts I've had today?
Men who have gained knowledge of a topic sometimes offer it in an overly harsh tone.
Sometimes that's not the case at all but rather the lack of being able to hear the inflection of a statement in written text can cause one to think that was the case.

It would be my hope that no men on this site ever block or ignore another, but rather reason together peaceably so that we carry on as friends.

No gun, saw ,scope, truck ( though gm is the best lol) is worth good men being upset with each other.

I'm sure I'm as guilty as anyone of getting my nose out of joint somewhere where a long the way and was an inconsiderate jerk so I will apologize profusely now!!

Lastly, pride destroys and divides every time - no exceptions. The good news is on drop forgiveness can repair a sea of said destruction!

Now lets scrounge on and let the ford / Chevy, Remington / Mossberg, to scope or not to scope discussions carry on in respectful fun!

Hope this was not out of line and was received as intended.

Well said Bob !
Speaking of Nikon , I have a pair of Nikon Binoculars & a Nikon spotting scope very crisp optics , were not overly expensive either , quality units none the less . Have them every year at Moose & Caribou hunts up North , not required so much on Deer hunts in Lower Michigan or Northern Quebec since most shots are the under 100 yard variety .
Just because I'm a curious guy, what's an audit??
An audit is a review of the financial records. I worked for NYS for over 30 years and retired as an Audit Manager and Certified Fraud Examiner. I identified millions and millions of $ of fraud over my career so they sent me to all the finest places ... South Bronx, Bed Sty, Harlem, etc.

I did audits as far East as Riverhead, as far West as Niagara Falls, and as far North as Glenn's Falls. NYC is now one police department (instead of having NYC, Housing and Transit - all separate) as a result of one of my audits and they changed the Medicaid Reimbursement rules when we found Medicaid Fraud that the Medicaid Fraud Auditors missed.

I started with Audit and Control (the State Comptroller's Office) auditing everything from schools to police departments, went on to the Health Department (auditing Nursing Homes) then to Mental Health (auditing our own psychiatric centers and non-for-profits licensed to provide services).

I've testified in court and obtained convictions, worked with District Attorney's offices all over the State, caught both a Rabbi and a Priest, and Medicaid Faud Control used information from one of my audits (when they could not find anything) to get 2 felony convictions.
Pasture fenceline, dead leaner. Unknown "hardwood".
Dunno, but I kinda think this works: fence line tree, heavy lean, drop where it's leaning. Make the notch. Only about a 12" tree so plunge cut ABOVE the notch V point then out the the back. Seems like it about guarantees the trunk will split down to the notch, drop where I want it and all is well. Is there downside to doing it this way that I'm not considering?

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'tween our property and neighbor's from the recent storm I've added 2 1/2 cords to the 20 cord in the racks. There's prolly another 3 cord nearby needs to be cut n split maybe it'll wait for cool fall weather.
Looks like ash to me also.
I make the notch, then at the same height or just above I bore in, then cut out the back. I still leave enough hinge wood as is appropriate for the size of the tree to direct the fall, and to stop the wood from compressing and pinching my bar. I don’t typically cut straight out the back, but rather, I cut towards the back and leave a trigger/strap of wood to cut when im ready to release the tree. Another way to do it is to use a coos bay cut, works great on smaller trees that are too small to bore without cutting the hinge off or cutting the strap/trigger holding the back.
Hope that help and makes sense.
I purchased 3 Nikon Scopes when Cabela's had them on deep discount (I later found out because they were getting out of sporting goods/hunting).

I purchased 2 - 3X9X40 scopes that are on my 30-06 and 300 Win Mag, and a 4X12 (223 specific) that is on my Ruger American Rifle 223.

IIRC I paid about a hundred to a hundred and a quarter for each of them. Great deals on high quality optics. They came in unlabeled brown boxes with no instructions.
An audit is a review of the financial records. I worked for NYS for over 30 years and retired as an Audit Manager and Certified Fraud Examiner. I identified millions and millions of $ of fraud over my career so they sent me to all the finest places ... South Bronx, Bed Sty, Harlem, etc.

I did audits as far East as Riverhead, as far West as Niagara Falls, and as far North as Glenn's Falls. NYC is now one police department (instead of having NYC, Housing and Transit - all separate) as a result of one of my audits and they changed the Medicaid Reimbursement rules when we found Medicaid Fraud that the Medicaid Fraud Auditors missed.

I started with Audit and Control (the State Comptroller's Office) auditing everything from schools to police departments, went on to the Health Department (auditing Nursing Homes) then to Mental Health (auditing our own psychiatric centers and non-for-profits licensed to provide services).

I've testified in court and obtained convictions, worked with District Attorney's offices all over the State, caught both a Rabbi and a Priest, and Medicaid Faud Control used information from one of my audits (when they could not find anything) to get 2 felony convictions.
Gotcha. I thought there was maybe a different meaning for audit I wasn't aware of. Doesn't sound like fun at all!
Good morning guys.

Cool and dark morning here. Looks like rain but only sprinkles so far. Neighbor reports that we have a few trees down at the cabin so I may run up there later and clean them up. Wanted to fish but east wind means walleyes won't cooperate anyhow.

I finally activated my cellular game camera. Going to mount it in the rafters of the cabin so I can see who visits me. We have a lot of "turnarounds" in my yard and since I do not own the driveway I cannot do much about that. The delay in the camera from picture to transmission to phone seems to be pretty short, usually a couple of minutes.