Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I don't doubt for a min it's right on, just razzing ya, it's easy with you New Yorkers :laughing:. One of my best friends is from NY, I know well, then again, he can handle it and give it back, great guy for sure. We talked for a good bit today, he just bought a 550xpg mk1 and a 550 mk2 and is likely buying a 572 soon, he's already got way more saws than one guy needs, must be a NY thing:popcorn2:.
I don't enjoy working outside when it's that cold, but at least the humidity is low lol. It doesn't really get that cold here, especially with the milder winters as Lake Michigan never gets anywhere near freezing over, which keeps the cold air from coming down from @svk part of the country.
I've put a chunk of hose on the car exhaust many times to warm up the splitter or a quad, a country boy can survive:cheers:.
Grab the wife and come on up for a few days in February. Still gets plenty cold here! :)
Split a face-cord today, then ran the Kioti to the dealer for it's first service. Didn't want to mess with it since I see they painted all of the filters on. Screw it, they can do the first one and then I'll do the rest after that. Plus, for whatever reason, I always like to have it recorded that the dealer did the first service. Probably doesn't mean a darn thing, but somehow in my mind it might if there's ever an issue, showing that I've used the dealer for service before, it may help.

Then stopped at TSC on the way home and picked up a sorting table for my cheapo County Line splitter. Pizzes me off that I have to spend an additional 80.00 for a sorting table when as far as I'm concerned every splitter made should come standard with a sorting table.

Then changed the oil and air filter on the Ranger as we're taking a group ride up to a casino for the weekend tomorrow and wanted to get it done before leaving.

-15 isn’t too bad
Last year I went up to Mustang Mikes camp at the end of January “coyote” hunting. It was -24 the next morning and the only machine that would start was my 1998 fourtrax 300, none of the new stuff even wanted to try!!
The high of the day was almost -10
Needless to say, we fed the old barrel stove like guy’s feeding a locomotive
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as we were taught in USN/USMC Flight School - Instruments: "Believe the gauges!"

You ask @MustangMike, that thermometer has been on the money since 1994!
It was so cold out there, you’d tinker on a machine for a minute and your chest would start to hurt from the cold air!
I had to take the generator, point the exhaust at the engine block of the SxS and wrap it in a tarp for 30 min just to get it to start!!
I, for one, believe you....

I don't doubt for a min it's right on, just razzing ya, it's easy with you New Yorkers :laughing:. One of my best friends is from NY, I know well, then again, he can handle it and give it back, great guy for sure. We talked for a good bit today, he just bought a 550xpg mk1 and a 550 mk2 and is likely buying a 572 soon, he's already got way more saws than one guy needs, must be a NY thing:popcorn2:.
I don't enjoy working outside when it's that cold, but at least the humidity is low lol. It doesn't really get that cold here, especially with the milder winters as Lake Michigan never gets anywhere near freezing over, which keeps the cold air from coming down from @svk part of the country.
I've put a chunk of hose on the car exhaust many times to warm up the splitter or a quad, a country boy can survive:cheers:.
i have driven up to ski in CO... and had to put cardboard in front of the radiator to get engine to warm up enuff to get heat inside the car ~
been there done that ,live in Northern MN brutal winter -30 -40 for 30 days straight getting to old for this ,need to get wood stacked to the moon every yr
D.ick Proenneke up Twin Lakes way... AK... he managed til about 85. then 'winters got too cold for me!'

Well, I can always sell them when I upgrade.
A buddy dropped all that junk off, and since I don't have anything maybe the Chinese tools will inspire me to upgrade a bit quicker lol.
My boy is real excited about them because he's been messing with some bikes with 2-stroke engines on them. He just got a fat tire bike that was backed onto for free from a guy from our church. Not sure whether his buddy will get it welded up first with his Chinese welder or we will lol. At least they are 220, better than a 120 Chinese welder.

Maybe you have a better one you'd sell me, oh wait, you're the guy who won't sell me a trailer :buttkick: :lol:.

I got the cash for the siding on the barn, after some insulation, doors, electrical..., then I'll be shopping for a new welder. But, I already bought a nice heavy 50' extension cord for it when I get it :).
Insulation down :happy:, closer to a fancy Chinese welder :oops:.
-15 isn’t too bad

Last year I went up to Mustang Mikes camp at the end of January “coyote” hunting. It was -24 the next morning and the only machine that would start was my 1998 fourtrax 300, none of the new stuff even wanted to try!!

The high of the day was almost -10

Needless to say, we fed the old barrel stove like guy’s feeding a locomotive
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My stove has trouble keeping it warm in my house below 20 ( piss poor insulation ) i had my kerosene heaters lit too that day and night i try to keep it at 72.
For those who have had to listen to me gripe about my miserable experience with my knee replacement, I finally have a good news story. I was able to get out on the court and play basketball on Wednesday night. It's a 30 and over league I've been running for 25 years, so it's not super competitive, but it is full court (and it's is getting harder every year to keep up with them 30 year old kids.)

For the entire 10 months after the initial surgery I told them something was wrong, and they kept insisting that it was "normal". 5 doctors and my physical therapist all disregarded what I was saying: it was not MY normal. Many calls, visits, tests, Xrays, scans, 2nd/3rd/4th opinions basically got me nothing. Anyway, after 10 months I finally had arthroscopic surgery to remove scar tissue and other tissue in the joint. The next day I had 30° more range of motion than I had since the initial surgery. I'm at 16+ months now, though I think the first 10 months were wasted - it was difficult to do anything but sit with my feet up. So no ball, very minimal firewooding, difficulty with stairs, and even just driving longer than 10 minutes was a huge challenge.

Since arthroscopic I've been able to do a lot more, including Wheelbarrow Therapy™ as you may have noticed. My knee is still not awesome, but at least I feel that there may be more improvement. At least I'm hoping there will be.
Most of the time it’s a rouge bear, or injured ones that will attack without hesitation, I ran into several grizzly in Glacier NP on the trail at close range, they all high tailed quickly,
With 3 trips to B.C. since 2000 we encountered a lot of bears up there on hiking trails. On one trip we saw 13 bears in 8 days. One of them was on a hiking trail. This particular black bear was eating raspberries and held his ground to the point of spinning around and growling at us. We slowly backed away from him and went hiking on a different trail a few miles away.
With 3 trips to B.C. since 2000 we encountered a lot of bears up there on hiking trails. On one trip we saw 13 bears in 8 days. One of them was on a hiking trail. This particular black bear was eating raspberries and held his ground to the point of spinning around and growling at us. We slowly backed away from him and went hiking on a different trail a few miles away.
I think Glacier NP has the highest concentration of grizzlies per acre in the country 🤔
In Oct, my trail cams have picked up one doe, one coyote, one raccoon, and bear on 6 different days (sometimes 2 in the same picture, sometimes on two different cameras). Some of the days we did not see them on camera, we were up there working on projects.

We seem to be inundated with them this year. I have never seen anything like it.
The same here in Central Mass. We have never seen so many bears.
Had a really strange thing happen to my Kioti NX4510 yesterday. I went out to use it and noticed a bolt missing on the left front wheel and one next to it backed out 1/4". At 1000 hours, 100 hours ago, I did check all the wheel lugs just to make sure that they hadn't loosened up. All the front lugs were one 1/2 turn loose. WTF is all I have to say about this.The one lug that was backed out a 1/4" couldn't be turned by hand. These wheels are flat faced mounted centered on the rim hub. Last week the lugs were all there as I am always looking at them. I will look today for my missing lug nut. The back lugs were all tight. I haven't done any real loader work in quite a while and surely nothing that would loosen lug nuts.