Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Since I've been lucky enough to scrounge most of my firewood over the last couple of years from pioneerguy600's bosses property and got a few freebies in-between I only gleam at the local ads that sound like they want someone to take a tree down and clean up all the **** because they're doing you a favor and giving you the "cords" of wood.
But , I still look , read the ads just in case....
4 acres to be cleared caught my attention , the ad sez "if you have the equipment to do the job please contact ."
Best part is that it's only 10 minutes from home :)
But , I know the area and it ranges from "Jackpot! !!!!!" to "I need xxx$ per acre to clean up that ****,"
I'm gonna call first thing tomorrow Lol
sure would be nice to get 2017's wood this winter lol
Uncle Mike, you need me to play like a squirrel and set some ropes for you?

All you guys with your pops still kicking in there 80's and 90's I'm very jealous. My two grandpa's were the best. They had a work ethic that was UNMATCHED. Im only 34 I work my ass off because all the guys I looked up to growing up did the same. I look at the next generation after me, and oh boy, it don't look so good.
I once told my dad why our country did so well after WWII, he kinda nodded in agreement. It goes like this, all the queers and pansies got killed of by the Nazi's and Japs so only the real men were left to come back and make our country what it is.................

Holy crap! That just may be the most anti politically correct thing I've ever read. The freaking Nazis killed about 30 million freaking people or more! At least 6 million of them were Jews. Millions of kids. Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Were they all queer and pansies? What do queers have to do with bringing the country down anyway? If one were a pansy, I think that would have increased their chance of survival. A pansy may opt to be a Nazi sympathizer during an occupation to escape from certain death. Or, they may have become a draft dodger during the Vietnam war. So, I think some of our bravest men and women were killed by the hands of the Nazis and Japanese.
My firebox is 1.5 cubic feet. Loaded with 2-3 large chunks of oak I get about 6 hours like it says I should. I didn't know anything about wood stoves going in. We use a little bear at our hunting bunk house and you can throw much larger pieces in that thing. I guess I will have to split my rounds less to get longer burn times.

Perhaps we have differing definitions of burn time lol. My house is about 2,400 sq ft not included the two rooms on the third floor I use for storage. There's no way in hell I could get 6 hours of burn time with that thing and still have it put out enough heat.

I've heard this stove I bought throws off a massive amount of heat. This winter will be the test run. If it doesn't suffice, I may buy another stove and place it in the family room. Not sure how the hell I'll be able to feed two stoves though.
I've heard this stove I bought throws off a massive amount of heat.
That's a very subjective statement. In my first house I went from an old potbelly stove that finally cracked and was leaking smoke to a newfangled soapstone unit with a tiny firebox that was supposed to heat the whole place two times over and didn't even come close.
Holy crap! That just may be the most anti politically correct thing I've ever read. The freaking Nazis killed about 30 million freaking people or more! At least 6 million of them were Jews. Millions of kids. Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Were they all queer and pansies? What do queers have to do with bringing the country down anyway? If one were a pansy, I think that would have increased their chance of survival. A pansy may opt to be a Nazi sympathizer during an occupation to escape from certain death. Or, they may have become a draft dodger during the Vietnam war. So, I think some of our bravest men and women were killed by the hands of the Nazis and Japanese.
Did matt offend your delicate sensibility's? [emoji38]

You make some decent points but I like the politically incorrect version much much better.
That's a very subjective statement. In my first house I went from an old potbelly stove that finally cracked and was leaking smoke to a newfangled soapstone unit with a tiny firebox that was supposed to heat the whole place two times over and didn't even come close.

I don't know. If you said a stove will heat you out of a room vs a stove throwing out lots of heat then I agree. A lot has to do with your insulation, fuel source, location of stove, etc.
Did matt offend your delicate sensibility's? [emoji38]

You make some decent points but I like the politically incorrect version much much better.

Ask just about any veteran about their fellow soldiers that lost their lives fighting in a foreign war. A lot of them will say the very best men never came back from fighting.

Also, think about this scenario. Lets say you're in a rifle squad/platoon with some "queers and pansies." Your PL or NCOIC tells you the enemy is bunkered down and we need to take them out. Who's going to be the first bunch of guys to leave cover to charge that bunker? I don't think it will be the queers and pansies.

Lets take another example. Since there's no final determination made on Bergdahl lets say for arguments sake he was pansy, abandoned his post willingly, and sought to become buddy buddy with the Taliban. In this case he was an ultimate pansy and the real men had to go out in harms way to rescue/capture his ass. Some died trying. So the damn pansies and queers survive!

Anyway, you are free to believe what you wish. It's what many brave men and women died to protect. That statement was just so off base I couldn't help but respond.
Holy crap! That just may be the most anti politically correct thing I've ever read. The freaking Nazis killed about 30 million freaking people or more! At least 6 million of them were Jews. Millions of kids. Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Were they all queer and pansies? What do queers have to do with bringing the country down anyway? If one were a pansy, I think that would have increased their chance of survival. A pansy may opt to be a Nazi sympathizer during an occupation to escape from certain death. Or, they may have become a draft dodger during the Vietnam war. So, I think some of our bravest men and women were killed by the hands of the Nazis and Japanese.
Lmao, I hear ya. I might even change my name.
Matt, I can't agree with your last paragraph but I do agree with your thoughts on the younger generations.

Most folks from the greatest and echo generations are/were hardworking and honest folks

Many boomers are.

Some gen x'ers are.

The gen y group is where the wheels fell off the bus. Look at the values of someone born in the early 80's (much more traditional) versus the late 90's. This is where entitlement becomes a problem.
No sir, you should keep it lol. Cool name.

I'm actually fascinated by the Nazis and the Japanese martial tradition. They were psychopathic badasses.
What is fascinating is how they got people from arguably two of the most intelligent nations in the world to believe such crazy propaganda.

I'm kind of a ww2 nerd and have seen the documentaries where they forced German soldiers and civilians to view movies/pictures or visit holocaust sites in person. THIS is what you fought for. Had to really shake a person's values and beliefs to see the horror.
I don't mean to say your new stove won't. I think you were led down the same trail that I was with your first stove.

Well my former insert was bought by my in-laws as a house warming gift. Crazy thing is the insert costs more than the new free standing stove.

Do you have soapstone in your stove?

I hear you can get some crazy burn times with a catalytic stove. They're expensive though.

Yeah the BK owners claim some pretty outrageous burn times.

What is fascinating is how they got people from arguably two of the most intelligent nations in the world to believe such crazy propaganda.

I'm kind of a ww2 nerd and have seen the documentaries where they forced German soldiers and civilians to view movies/pictures or visit holocaust sites in person. THIS is what you fought for. Had to really shake a person's values and beliefs to see the horror.

I'm a WW2 nerd as well. That crap is fascinating. Made a country believe they were superior to every other nation. Seemingly normal people became absolute monsters. I mentioned that Japanese soldier that was on an island for freaking decades after the war ended still resisting right? His last orders were to never surrender so that's what he did lol.
Rain chances are minimal tomorrow here in mid-Ga...after three days of downpouring. 3/4 full moon tonight, deer are feeding like crazy, no doubt. Gearing up for in the mornin...huntin a stand that overlooks about 300 yards in all directions at the bottom of a big field. Taking me 'ol venerable, Winchester model 70, XTR, in .270...action glass bed, barrel free-floated. I petty the deer that gets within 300 yards or closer of those, reloaded, little stoked up, 140 gr boat tails...if they're within 200 yards, I can grunt loud or bleat call 'em with a big can call, just to get their attention...if no crazy ass wind, I'll shoot'em right btwn their eyes, peel that top off on those does...drop 'em in their tracks. By the time they figure out where the shot come from...the next, second biggest doe's fate is already sealed with the cross-hairs if she'll just stop for a few seconds, which they normally do. No horn hunting yet, that'll be mid-Nov in the rut....they are still running in bachelor groups here, pre-rut trolling, they'll bust off and start fighting like hell, to wanna breed in about two weeks...that's when the big boys, the 12-14 pointers get stupid, ya hope anyhow, and I'm gonna accommodate their prescription as best I can. Maybe I can put up a pic or three tomorrow...we get to shoot 12 a year here fellas per hunter...lets see what we can do tomorrow. Enjoy the night fellas, if anyone is hunting tomorrow, this coming wknd, best of luck...bust 'em.
I heard a quote once in reference to the Japanese rebuilding their navy to counter perceived threats from NK and China including ships bearing names of those sunk in WW2. It went something like this "Japan has lost one war in 5000 years, do you really think that is going to deter them in the future".
No sir, you should keep it lol. Cool name.

I'm actually fascinated by the Nazis and the Japanese martial tradition. They were psychopathic badasses.
Just to be clear some friends started calling me that, after seinfelds soup nazi character. No affiliation with the political party