This will be a bittersweet post. My dog Ellie who is 13 years 9 months is suffering from Congestive Heart Failure. The last month has been a pretty rapid decline and the medication isn't working and she's starting to struggle. She's losing control of her bodily functions. I thought she was going to pass last night with how hard she was struggling. I decided I'm going to have to call the vet tomorrow. It's hard watching a dog who used to be so tough and determined lose her strength.
She's my first dog and we've spent lots of time in the field together. We've hunted in 8 states together and had lots of great times. My only wish is that I would've hunted more with her the last 5 years. Here's a few of my favorite pics.
Her first pheasant...
Her first South Dakota limit...

Her last grouse...
Her last South Dakota pheasant...
The boys with her this morning...
Lots of tears being shed today for the old girl.
She's my first dog and we've spent lots of time in the field together. We've hunted in 8 states together and had lots of great times. My only wish is that I would've hunted more with her the last 5 years. Here's a few of my favorite pics.
Her first pheasant...

Her last grouse...

Lots of tears being shed today for the old girl.