Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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This will be a bittersweet post. My dog Ellie who is 13 years 9 months is suffering from Congestive Heart Failure. The last month has been a pretty rapid decline and the medication isn't working and she's starting to struggle. She's losing control of her bodily functions. I thought she was going to pass last night with how hard she was struggling. I decided I'm going to have to call the vet tomorrow. It's hard watching a dog who used to be so tough and determined lose her strength.

She's my first dog and we've spent lots of time in the field together. We've hunted in 8 states together and had lots of great times. My only wish is that I would've hunted more with her the last 5 years. Here's a few of my favorite pics.
Her first pheasant...
DSCN1583.JPGHer first South Dakota limit...
Her last grouse...20230930_125023.jpgHer last South Dakota pheasant...
20231031_125031.jpgThe boys with her this morning...20240915_092946.jpg
Lots of tears being shed today for the old girl.
My Dad used to talk about taking bricks off the potbellied coal stove to put along the side of your bed so you would stay warm long enough to go to sleep! (And that was in Queens, NYC).

My Aunt on the Farm (upstate NY) had 7 kids, and I was alive before they moved to a farmhouse with indoor plumbing! Hard to imagine 7 kids and an outhouse on a farm near the Finger Lakes where is gets VERY cold! As if running a dairy farm was not tough enough!
I have an outhouse at my place in northern VT. In the winter I keep the padded toilet seat on the wall behind the wood stove.
This will be a bittersweet post. My dog Ellie who is 13 years 9 months is suffering from Congestive Heart Failure. The last month has been a pretty rapid decline and the medication isn't working and she's starting to struggle. She's losing control of her bodily functions. I thought she was going to pass last night with how hard she was struggling. I decided I'm going to have to call the vet tomorrow. It's hard watching a dog who used to be so tough and determined lose her strength.

She's my first dog and we've spent lots of time in the field together. We've hunted in 8 states together and had lots of great times. My only wish is that I would've hunted more with her the last 5 years. Here's a few of my favorite pics.
Her first pheasant...
View attachment 1204966Her first South Dakota limit...
View attachment 1204963
Her last grouse...View attachment 1204965Her last South Dakota pheasant...
View attachment 1204964The boys with her this morning...View attachment 1204967
Lots of tears being shed today for the old girl.
We lost ours 2 yrs ago. Middle of the night she went into seizures and I had to do it myself. Sucked big time and she is buried out back with flowers over her. Time goes so fast with them.
We lost ours 2 yrs ago. Middle of the night she went into seizures and I had to do it myself. Sucked big time and she is buried out back with flowers over her. Time goes so fast with them.
One funny thing about Ralph our Valley Bulldog. One summer when she was 2 or so we were at my camp up north walking down the logging road. She went sideways and peeked in a culvert discovering a raccoon. Until the day she died if we were on a walk and she saw a culvert she would stop and look in.
I'm sure you have stories like that?
I have had a HF generator (7,000 - 8,750 watt) with a Predator motor for over 10 years now and it has been rock solid (other than I replaced the wheels because I was using it for construction projects up at the cabin).

The motor has been flawless, even if left outside (but covered) for long periods of time. (I cover it with a grill cover). I try to make sure I run it at least once a year even if I don't have to use it.

It is also powerful enough to run my house during a blackout, and my well pump is 850 feet down.

Most everything is either made in China or made from Chinese parts anyway, and I don't think I could have gotten as much bang for my buck anyplace else. I believe, at the time, I only paid $450 for it when it was on sale. I don't like junk, but I don't regret getting quality at a good price.

It is similar to the argument regarding AM saw parts. If not for AM parts (that you can afford), most of my saws would have wound up in the junk pile.

I prefer OEM cylinders, but many of my saws have AM tank holders, pistons (usually Meteor) or cases. Using good quality oil at a good ratio (I use Saber at 40:1) seems to keep the AM bearings healthy, as most of my milling has been done with AM 660 saws (some with Cross cylinders).

AM carbs have been hit or miss, but AM coils have generally worked very well for me. I've had better luck with the AM 660 carbs than with the 440 or 460 carbs and have sometimes replaced OEM 660 carbs with AM ones (for tree pros) because it was easier than rebuilding them, and they work just as well.

My 8.6 Hp 660 is an Asian saw with a ported Cross cylinder and Meteor piston.
I've got a 2500 predator generator I bought 10yrs or so ago. It's been a beast. I now leave it at my hunting camp. Start it once a year and 5-6 pulls does it. Very heavy, though. Much heavier than it was 10 yrs ago for some reason lol
As cheap as I am, I'm inclined to agree. Either cobble something on it or spend the money and get the right one. Wouldn't hurt looking on evilbay either. Most small engines are more or less universal with mufflers anymore. The muffler off my subaru Robin would swap over to a kohler, Briggs or Honda with little effort.
I bought the cheapest wire welder HF had on sale for $89. I used it to not only fix the deck on my Cub Cadet but to weld a piece onto the Kohler 16hp muffler to fix it. Also fixed the exhaust pipe on the car and several other small things. Not professional grade by any means but handy to have around.
I sympathize, my wife tells everyone I'm her third child.. Can't say she's totally wrong either.
Mrs FS always apologizes to anyone that stops by about how messy the house is. (Spotless). She tells them 5 animals in the house. 3 cats,a dog, and me. :crazy2:
This will be a bittersweet post. My dog Ellie who is 13 years 9 months is suffering from Congestive Heart Failure. The last month has been a pretty rapid decline and the medication isn't working and she's starting to struggle. She's losing control of her bodily functions. I thought she was going to pass last night with how hard she was struggling. I decided I'm going to have to call the vet tomorrow. It's hard watching a dog who used to be so tough and determined lose her strength.

She's my first dog and we've spent lots of time in the field together. We've hunted in 8 states together and had lots of great times. My only wish is that I would've hunted more with her the last 5 years. Here's a few of my favorite pics.
Her first pheasant...
View attachment 1204966Her first South Dakota limit...
View attachment 1204963
Her last grouse...View attachment 1204965Her last South Dakota pheasant...
View attachment 1204964The boys with her this morning...View attachment 1204967
Lots of tears being shed today for the old girl.
So sorry to hear 🙏🙏🙏🙏 many prayers your way brother
Bought this from a guy who was packing up and moving into a condo. Came with 3 bars and about 2 dozen chains, most of which are Stihl brand and very sharp.

View attachment 1204956
Congrats, great saws.
Ran my xs261 a good bit last week. I also have an earlier version that Randy ported, both pull a 20x3/8 very well.
One thing I despise about stihls is the "chip catcher" near the oil cap 🙄. I'll probably start cutting them off with a cut-off wheel, I've grown tired of cleaning debris off with wd40 or wasting my mix so I don't get chips in the oil tank (fuel isn't as bad because the lip isn't there).
Let me know when you want to sell the 550, I know you like the stihls :p.

This will be a bittersweet post. My dog Ellie who is 13 years 9 months is suffering from Congestive Heart Failure. The last month has been a pretty rapid decline and the medication isn't working and she's starting to struggle. She's losing control of her bodily functions. I thought she was going to pass last night with how hard she was struggling. I decided I'm going to have to call the vet tomorrow. It's hard watching a dog who used to be so tough and determined lose her strength.

She's my first dog and we've spent lots of time in the field together. We've hunted in 8 states together and had lots of great times. My only wish is that I would've hunted more with her the last 5 years. Here's a few of my favorite pics.
Her first pheasant...
View attachment 1204966Her first South Dakota limit...
View attachment 1204963
Her last grouse...View attachment 1204965Her last South Dakota pheasant...
View attachment 1204964The boys with her this morning...View attachment 1204967
Lots of tears being shed today for the old girl.
Great pictures.
What’s the tow rig??

1971 International Travelall. It was 1/2 ton 4x4, open front, track lock rear when I got it, I converted it to 3/4 ton 4x4 Power Locks front and rear. I added the PTO winch. I changed from T36 five speed transmission to T35 five speed transmission, so 1st gear went from 6.21 to 7.17. I put 2” lift. It already had power steering, power brakes, and AC. It has 33” tires.

Congrats, great saws.
Ran my xs261 a good bit last week. I also have an earlier version that Randy ported, both pull a 20x3/8 very well.
One thing I despise about stihls is the "chip catcher" near the oil cap 🙄. I'll probably start cutting them off with a cut-off wheel, I've grown tired of cleaning debris off with wd40 or wasting my mix so I don't get chips in the oil tank (fuel isn't as bad because the lip isn't there).
Let me know when you want to sell the 550, I know you like the stihls :p.

Meh, my 462 has the same "chip catcher", and it ain't a huge deal. Doubt I'll be selling my 550, but you never know.
Did this one a couple days ago, it’s 4 feet across.

View attachment 1201330View attachment 1201331

That’s it laying on the right.

Here all 3 are gone.

Drug it down the hill with the loader.

Cut it into 12’ lengths to get it out of my way. I thought it would go in the burn pile, but I got someone that wants it cut to firewood length and brought to her. She loves cedar, so doesn’t care about the holes. I imagine they’ll toss the bad stuff when they split it, dunno.
Your post made me wonder if ducks might be colourblind, and then the shape of the camouflage would be more important than the colour.

They are not. They can see colours well. They might have better UV vision than humans.

Info here:
Very interesting. I know they pick up on movement very well. And I swear the can hear you whisper from 5 miles away.

For a few years we hunted with our neighbor. He was a complete ******* but we mutually decided it was better to co-op than compete for the same spot every day. He was hard of hearing and talked loudly and scared the ducks away often. Wasn't sad when he moved to Wyoming.
This will be a bittersweet post. My dog Ellie who is 13 years 9 months is suffering from Congestive Heart Failure. The last month has been a pretty rapid decline and the medication isn't working and she's starting to struggle. She's losing control of her bodily functions. I thought she was going to pass last night with how hard she was struggling. I decided I'm going to have to call the vet tomorrow. It's hard watching a dog who used to be so tough and determined lose her strength.

She's my first dog and we've spent lots of time in the field together. We've hunted in 8 states together and had lots of great times. My only wish is that I would've hunted more with her the last 5 years. Here's a few of my favorite pics.
Her first pheasant...
View attachment 1204966Her first South Dakota limit...
View attachment 1204963
Her last grouse...View attachment 1204965Her last South Dakota pheasant...
View attachment 1204964The boys with her this morning...View attachment 1204967
Lots of tears being shed today for the old girl.
SO sorry for your impending loss.
None of us get out of here alive but it sure sucks a$$ when you have to "Play God" and send a dear, loved friend and partner to her great reward..
I wish you and your family Peace in this very hard part of life.
Hi guys,

Just got back from a quick overnight canoe trip with the GF. The boys were supposed to go with me but their priorities have changed. I did not want to waste the permit (hard to get this entry point) so we went in. 30 hours or so in the bush does the body good.
What entry point did you get?

The Wx has been pretty nice for being in the backcountry.
Third time coming in third. But it was a fun time.
MustangMike had a good time and did pretty good for a guy that doesn’t shoot sporting clays all to often

Uncle Mike, you left before you could see me win a gun!! The 9 of Spades came through!!!

I got a door prize, third place team AND a savage bolt .22!!


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