Would show wear, damage ? I don't know what they are supposed to be. I don't want to replace it with another " pos".
We do have Point beer over here but I've not really paid much attention as to what exactly there is as the selections are usually limited most places. But at the nearest Runnings over in MN they have a rather large variety of Point root beer, cream and other flavored sodas, etc. for sale. My sister went to collage at Stevens Point so we always gave her a list of stuff to bring back when she came home if we didn't go over to visit.Do you get Point Special way out West there? Beats _(any)____lite
I've been looking for mags, not a lot out there for the magnum version that they don't want an arm and leg for.Would show wear, damage ? I don't know what they are supposed to be. I don't want to replace it with another " pos".
I use the Winchester super x 20gr, they do a great job on chipmunks out to 65yrds(thats usually as far away as I shoot them), and they took the coyote at probably just under 100yrds. As for paper, I have no idea what they do.Meanwhile the 77/17, it’s a good rifle, but I haven’t found the magic round for it yet. Tried Hornady 17gr vmax and CCI 17gr vmax (red tip for the Hornady black tip for the CCI, go figure) Remington 17gr accutip (green tip) and 20gr CCI “Gamepoint”
Anyone got a 17hmr they like I haven’t listed??
Nice little plinker, I've been wanting to snag one up.I wasn't sure of the model so I took a look. Turns out it's a Taurus TX22.View attachment 1232231
We ran about 150 rounds through it and had no malfunctions.
New style mag spring.. sounds worth a shot.. thanx for the heads upI've been looking for mags, not a lot out there for the magnum version that they don't want an arm and leg for.
But, I found this. Read down the page a bit.
Be right over!!!Swordfish pan seared in cast iron for dinner View attachment 1232449View attachment 1232450
Always good to see some cast iron put to use. Cast your cares to the wind and cook in iron.Swordfish pan seared in cast iron for dinner View attachment 1232449View attachment 1232450
I remember you telling that porky story in the past. That is hilarious!I vaguely remember a tale the camp counselors used to tell us when we were at Boy Scout Camp (Camp Reed) in the Adirondacks. We were there for 2 weeks every summer, and I loved it ... shooting and canoeing, blueberry picking and hiking ... just great.
It involved finding a Collins Axe, and an axe murderer still running around loose at night. I don't think anyone really believed the story, but they tried!
Things weren't quite so politically correct back then.
In addition to the bolt action 22s used at 50ft, they had smooth bore 22s for trap shooting. IIRC correctly the shot shells were #9 shot. Almost impossible to break a bird with those darn things, but we tried! I don't think anyone has produced a smooth bore 22 for a long time.
We also had "Nature", where they would give you a have-a-heart trap to catch animals to bring to "Nature". You would get different points for different animals.
One time when I did not get to Nature in time to get a trap, I instead made a snare using twine and a tent peg. I caught more than one Raccoon with it but always ended up letting them go as it would snare their back leg, and I was afraid of breaking it.
Another time, a porcupine was going across our campsite, so we pulled the sheets off the Asst. Scoutmaster's bed and caught the porcupine with them. We got a lot of points at Nature for that one, but by the time we got the sheet off of it the porcupine was near bald, and the Asst. Scoutmaster was not so happy either!
That saw is relatively new, isn't it? Surprising that all the rubber is brittle. I personally would go to the Echo dealer. As far as online I'd try HL Supply. I've been happy with them.Well I dug into the 7910 . I’ll try rebuilding the carb if not I’ll just replace but I found several other items that need to be replaced . The manifold boot is cracked and brittle as are all the rubber lines . Never seen ethanol so not sure why .
Any one know a good place to get the kit/carb and the boot ? View attachment 1232654View attachment 1232655View attachment 1232656
This is my Dolmar saw not the Echo I bought last year . Think I’ve had it 7 or 8 years . I called a dealer that was a Dolmar dealer he may have a boot in stockThat saw is relatively new, isn't it? Surprising that all the rubber is brittle. I personally would go to the Echo dealer. As far as online I'd try HL Supply. I've been happy with them.
I just used shelf liners like for kitchen drawers. Nothing slides around. And I found red to match the crapsman toolboxes. Some of the more discerning mechanicsI’m looking for recommendations for tool chest liners. I prefer the mat type vs the “Fench Fit” type for things like combo wrenches, screw drivers, ratchet handles, breaker bars, etc. I’ve got decent socket storage but none of the mats I’ve tried have worked very well: Either the entire mat slid in the drawer or the tools slid on the mats. Suggestions??