Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Nice gas/oil can, have the same one, they work great. Forget the maple and oak, scrounge up all that hemlock in there!
I really like the gas can. I have a file, spare chain and scrench in it. It's really handy.
Regarding the hemlock. I don't know if I could handle burning such a superior firewood. I'd also have to clean the chimney once a week from what I've heard! :crazy2:
There are 2 chunks of hemlock about 6 ft long that are about 30" around that I'd like to snag. I think they'd make some nice slabs.
Subzero temps for the high the next 2 or 3 days. The oven helps heat up the house so I made 2 big baking dishes full of enchiladas. One dish beef and the other chicken.
along with a 12 inch chocolate chunk cookie and
a blueberry muffin bread and
an egg bake with sausage, onions, green peppers and lots of cheese.
My daughter had a cheer competition today down in Baltimore. I was hoping they would cancel, but they didn't. So my wife ran her down. Of course the snow was worst by the time they were coming home. They made it back around 3:00. My daughters team placed 4th, so they will get to move on to the next competition.
After they got back I went out, just in time to see my daughter jump out of the escape and into snow deeper then her sneakers. 😆 she was not happy lol. Looks like we had a good 6" at that point. It's supposed to let up around 8:00, I'll go out then and clear the drive way. Looks like the weather man actually got the forecast right for once.
Well I scrounged up something today that I have wanted for a long time (note, I did not say needed.) Cheap enough by the pound at the scrapyard that I now have to decide whether to keep or flip. It's one of those opportunities that doesn't come up often so it may be a tough choice. I'm sure I can make several times my investment whenever I decide to sell, so I may keep to see how often they get used - probably not as much as in my younger years. And it could just be a chance to find out how many friends I have. ;)
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Awesome scrounge that you got there Sir.
My daughter had a cheer competition today down in Baltimore. I was hoping they would cancel, but they didn't. So my wife ran her down. Of course the snow was worst by the time they were coming home. They made it back around 3:00. My daughters team placed 4th, so they will get to move on to the next competition.
After they got back I went out, just in time to see my daughter jump out of the escape and into snow deeper then her sneakers. 😆 she was not happy lol. Looks like we had a good 6" at that point. It's supposed to let up around 8:00, I'll go out then and clear the drive way. Looks like the weather man actually got the forecast right for once.
We’ve got 3” at this point.

Today there was a bird bonanza! All at one time there were flocks of starlings, chickadees, and dark eyed jenco; a pair each of mourning doves, cardinals, and blue jays; and a lone crow in the backyard. Then a couple juvenile deer walked through. We don't feed them... it's the variety of plants, natural and ornamental that attracts the wildlife.

Pre-storm behavior...?
Sean, my one guy from work, his daughter competes in Cheer too

They’re slated to head to Florida in February

He is so happy she is a senior and no more trips he has to fund
ugg, don't remind me.... just booked a room for virginal beach. There went another $350.00...... we're not hard up for money, but dang this competition cheer really sucks up money.
Snow stopped around 8pm. My unofficial measurement was 9". Really need to get a plow for the kubota. Didn't take long to clear the driveway. I ended up pushing the center of the lane open with the kubota and using the snow blower to finish it. Actually worked out better then I thought it would.

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