Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Cowboy's on the move!
The Lone Ranger Running GIF by GritTV
Lol yes he is! I rolled into 51 likes since this morning
Enhanced Lol
We should schedule an informal GTG sometime, would be good to have a get together, talk and run saws!

I also have another "project saw" I have not purchased parts for. It is an early model MS880 (has the cast muffler with spring clips like the 088s).

Came with a 42" 404 B+C. I hear that it is best to use OEM pistons with this model (not Meteor), so I have been conflicted about if I really need it! The P+C are pretty burned up, but I think I can save the cylinder, but I'm not sure if it has bearing damage. I suppose someday I will find the time to check it out, but it has been in my shed for a few years now.
Kevins would be faster :chainsaw: .
Here we go again with the weight thing.
Yes the 550xp smokes the 346xp. Yes it is heavier. I also had a 562xp 2nd gen. Weight wise I though it was closer to the weight of my 372xp OE. I ended up selling it. Now I have the 550xp 2nd gen, my 372xp OE and a really nice 394xp.
Exactly what I've said. I do enjoy running my ported 562, but my modded 371 is like an ounce or two heavier, and my ported 365 runs right with the 562...
The 550mk2 is a great saw, but I have a couple late model mk1's, set up with 18x325 for limbing, and a couple ported 261 Mtronic saw I run 20x3/8 on, so no need for one currently. If one came along at the right price though...
My my my, Facebookland sure got eerily quiet last night around 11 PM

I went outside and faintly in the distance I swear I could hear munchkins singing.
I was relieved when I woke up this morning and they had not found a zillion new uncounted votes!!!

My biggest dismay it the stupid NY voters approved proposition 1 - giving illegals more rights than citizens! They are now a protected class in NY! This must be repealed!
I didnā€™t expect to see this on November 6ā€¦ nor have 75Ā° temperatures at 11 AM. Supposed to hit 78Ā° later. Itā€™s a small rat snakeā€¦ 3ā€™ max.

My son found a rat snake shed up near the ridge of the roof of the house we have under renovation. This while he was cleaning the gutters.
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I didnā€™t expect to see this on November 6ā€¦ nor have 75Ā° temperatures at 11 AM. Supposed to hit 78Ā° later. Itā€™s a small rat snakeā€¦ 3ā€™ max.

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My son found a rat snake shed up near the ridge of the roof of the house we have under renovation. This while he was cleaning the gutters.
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Looks like he is conformed to the bottom of a corrugated roof!
I didnā€™t have much hope for the presidential election so was surprised to see what happened.

In local politics newcomers cleaned house. Our 11 term mayor was voted out on nearly a 2 to 1 margin. We also had two city council seats up for grabs. One incumbent who I thought had done a good job in her first term as well as one incumbent who was recently appointed in July due to a resignation were amongst the five running for two seats. The appointee (who everybody thought had done a great job in a very short time) won his seat and the other seat was taken by a lifelong local resident who I know will do a good job as well. After years of a 3-2 gridlock, we have a strong mandate to fix a lot of the problems here and I would expect most votes will go 4ā€“1 or 5ā€“0 because the remaining toxic person doesnā€™t have any buddies left.

I was sad that a few of my friends didnā€™t get a chance to serve, but very happy with the choices nonetheless.
With the Rut full swing here, not as much free time to hang with you saw junkies.

But, hereā€™s how everything has been going

Got a nice 8 with my Xbow on Sunday morning. Made a poor shot, backed out of the woods and sat nervously for two hours. My best buddy and I went in and found him bedded down in some thick stuff.

Then my pal calls me up in a panic asking me to bring my dog over to his place as his son ā€œshot a good buck and we have no bloodā€. So Gunner was loaded up and we drove across town. The dog performed perfectly and we were able to recover the young manā€™s best to date buck. He was VERY happy and grateful of the dog. IMG_9550.jpegIMG_9552.jpegIMG_9565.jpegimage000000.jpeg

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