Looks like fun man!
I agree with the kid though. You could be gettin a lot more wood on the ground. Don't limit yourself to faces. Depth, type, dutchman for swing cuts. Not every tree gets the same cuts and wedges have their limit (beating the hell out of them is over-rated). Every tree is different and can be cut differently. Theres a whole lot you could be doing to increase your production. 32" bar and a serious single bit for starters. Figuring out your limits on how far you can swing one or what you can do with a leaner. Cutting the compression side first. Bore on heavy headed leaners that might chair only or only when you need to. Swing through the back cut on the rest. Cut form one side, etc. Look up occasionaly! #### happens. Its it worth cuttin all the flairs off or just cutting it up a little higher? I may sound like a #### and you've got a hell of a nice set up, but I think you could really make it top notch with a few adjustments.
Its it worth cuttin all the flairs off or just cutting it up a little higher?
You, dumb$#it, Terry is my buddy in Iowa that ports all of my saws.
Dumb %%%% Is correct! Great thread Sam to bad a butthole had to chime in!
Incorporate some reckless abandonment in with what your doing.
I know it sounds bad, but it opens the doors of possibility. .
i just have to ask. why dont you drag out the weigh wood, at 36 dollars a ton around here and hauling 25 ton at a time on a tandem truck that means your leaving a lotta money in the woods. and when your not dragging the weigh wood out your leaving a hella lot of trash tops in the woods. i know you can move a lot faster dropping and single stem topping but hey arent you in it for the money? i have a lot of weeks that the check for paper wood is bigger than the check for the logs. so if you had a truck and a knuckleboom you would make more money and leave the job in better shape. you couldnt get a job around here with any of our foresters without pulling the weigh wood.and yes , it requires more equipment but it pays for itself. at an average of 50 ton a week or more thats 1800 just for the junk wood. and that not bad by itself,now add the logs into it and hey now your making bank. just food for thought.
Why?, when the work I do makes me plenty of money and literally everyone involved loves the results and outcome, and I never blow trees up, or have to cover up the blown up ones and bad stumps and butts under the brush piles. In 6 years of cutting I've slabbed the side of a heavy leaning white Oak and ripped a pretty good side out of a hickory that hit another tree and thats about it.
Hell, I want the timber buyer and landowner to walk through a patch that I have cut and 10-16 tops are all in one pile, due to proper cutting and wedging them over when needed, and that is all without starting one skidder engine, after the skidders come in and pull out the outward facing butts, it looks like a city park with a small brush pile in the middle. There aren't tops laying everywhere looking like I didn't have a plain and just walked through hacking trees and letting them fall here and there with no plain.
You can and I have walked through other loggers work and seen what various hack jobs of cutting results in.
You can have your reckless abandon and I'll just keep working when others are looking for a job due to crappy looking past jobs.
You took that the wrong way. try new things. try and notice new things. YOu have been at it a while, I kind of feel like a jerk telling you how to get down. Ive been falling timber maybe 5 years, there are things that I have tried, learned, and gained on that 40 year vets hadent ever done.
You live in flat country. Can you jump a tree straight off the stump and have it lay where you want or need? if so do it. there is time saved. Can you domino 3 trees with a fourth instead of poundin wedges on three trees? Does your mill care abour butt flair? Iallmost guarantee you that with every load of grade logs you will have around half a load of wood maybe more if you top to 5 or 6"! . Open your mind and keep it sharp. Its something you obviously allready have a knack for so you can do it better ya know!
Get my jist? if not its allright, I am terrible with written expression. . . .
Pulp wood is half the deal in hardwood country. I know what you mean with high quality timber, but all the stuff in your pictures has good wood in it.3:1 type stuff.
If you really wanna make $$ get a small boom loader with a hydraulic buck saw. You allready said the stiff you got is payed and you make it sound like you are the bees knees in your area.
I dont get it, pro or not? which one? its up to you dude..
#### man!! you can saw + load logs bigger than a truck tire in seconds with a "small knuckle boom". Not just wood guy. cmon!
I cant even get past your first sentance without having to RE-explain things. . .
Now lemme read the rest...
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