No.....kidding. I sometimes think having a herd of cattle would be easier.

No.....kidding. I sometimes think having a herd of cattle would be easier.
the hotter you run the house,,esp above 69 degrees,, you will burn wayyyyyy more wood to keep that you have learned......try keeping it at 69. if it feels cold,,get a humidifier.......
Yeah... right... that's a good one.Just so you all know, I'm still doing fine. No chance of running out this year.
I agree, it sounds like a lot... but... started burnin' early, in an insert, vaulted ceiling(s), lots of windows, we don't know what sort of wood, and then 78° (just imagine the temps in the vaulted ceiling).As others noted thats an obnoxious amount to burn...
You don't need more wood you need a more efficient unit . That is absurd of an amount to go through for such a small place . An old outside wood boiler would use less
Haven't seen as much of you lately. I suppose the next little one will be here soon.
Dang! Nice house! I'm about 40 minutes away from you. I think I need to come visit!This kinda gives you a sense of how little wall there is. More window than anything!!!