Splitting methodology - long billets or firewood length rings/rounds?

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Updating this to add another type of buzzsaw that I have seen recently, the AMR Solomat model. Its claim to fame is being tilted so it is gravity fed:

I wonder how difficult it would be to:
  • add a telescopic extension to the chute to handle longer logs without tipping the machine or putting too much load on the pivot mechanism or log stop.
  • add a hydraulic or air ram to automate the rocking movement to free up the operator to be doing other tasks like reloading, preparing more logs, etc. This way, it becomes much more like the Posch SmartCut 700, but much cheaper.
Hey Kiwibro

Personally I would prefer much more something like this than your machine.

or homemade

There are dozens of video's on "revolversägen" / "trommelsägen" in the net.

Thanks 7sleeper. I like the number of chambers that DIY one has. There have been a few comments elsewhere that for high volume use, there can be some wear and tear on the operator. Lifting the billets all day long and trying to fit into the moving holes, that seems to cause repetitive strain types of problems and soreness for some people.
Yeah that might be true, but you will probably be finished in half the time compared to the above single loader machine you mentioned. Those tractor trailers sure fill up fast in the videos. And the single feed and cut type machine you mention will probably be equal straining over a day. What is important in my eyes the possibility to adjust the "revolver" speed and you should have at least two to three wood handling guys for a fluent work efficiency. With that the workload is spread out and less straining compared to a single guy.
Of course I don't know how much you intend to cut but that would be my choice if I was needing high volumes of cut wood. It looks like a tractor trailer could be finished in 20-30min! That sure is a lot of wood in my eyes.
