Thanks for the info, gang.
No, I normally do not get paid for throwing mulch but we are not talking about lugging the stuff around. If it is within a few feet of the hole, I don't mind throwing a little mulch on some flowers-probably less than an inch in depth.
Here in the land of the big enchilada, things are a little different than in other parts of the country. I get a kick out of all the discussions on this website regarding safety equipment, good groundmen, OSHA compliance, equipment maintenance, etc. Down here, it is rare to find a set of earplugs on a guy, let alone chaps, helmets, gloves, etc. Imagine standing behind a chipper or stumpgrinder all day in nothing but a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Many companies operate without insurance and many do not charge sales tax. In many respects, we operate like a Third World country down here where Mexicans are the majority in the city of Houston.
My competition has an 8.25% price advantage over me from the getgo because I send sales tax to the state of Texas each quarter. Stumps are ground out everyday around here for $45/$5-that's a $45 service charge and $5/stump regardless of size. Many stumps are removed with picks and shovels. This is the land of $200 tree removals and $50 stumps. I'll bet some of you guys don't even unpack your gear for $50.
If I gotta throw a little mulch in a flower bed to keep some lady happy, possibly generate a referral and stay ahead of the competition, it gets thrown.
Adios, amigos