I had a few of those (girlfriends), now it's just me myself and I. I kinda prefer it that way, you won't get left for someone else and your heart broken...My redhead girlfriend Ha. Ha. We had a hot time though until she chose a man who had a better looking house.
Trees are simply biological life just like an insect or a blade of grass. Nothing mysterious going on there.
Sunflowers can be pretty lively over the course of a day. And the grapevines trying to pull my pasture fence down - there's some vegetation that may have to bite the dust this spring.Same for humans and all other living beings.
Fire on the other hand.....living but not a "being"
Trees, humans, mycelium, bacteria, alligators, ad infinitum, we all consume a resource(s) and expel "waste"
Animals. We all breathe, cough, sneeze, ****, and think. It's just a difference of degree/depth.
Plants are animate beings, we just don't recognize their actions as such because they, mostly, stay in one place or within a "footprint" (if you will.)
Spirits....well, all for one and one for all.
The kitchen wall is looking at the 1815 section of the house. The kitchen was added sometime after 1815, but rafters and floor joist are logs flattened on one side and random spacings. The willow floor is in a new section. The willow was in the back yard and huge and too close the house so I took down piece by piece and had the two big 10" sections saw into boards. Soft like pine but with a little more character than new pine floor and who else has a weeping willow floor. The bedroom floor in the 1815 section, was just refinished. Hired a floor guy to sand off centuries? of lead paint. Can't get the color and sheen from new pine, it almost glows. Maple on the hill the was the morning after our ice stormIt was the tightest grained wood I ever seen. It was that dark color when I uncovered it just cleaned with a wet cloth and put clear gloss poly on it the circular saw and chop saw struggled to cut it. View attachment 963270View attachment 963271
Black cherry trees that are being eaten by insects will give off pheromones that other black cherries can detect, and those trees start to convert compounds in their leaves into cyanide to deter or kill the insects - just the tip of the iceberg of plant communications and symbiotic relationshipsSunflowers can be pretty lively over the course of a day. And the grapevines trying to pull my pasture fence down - there's some vegetation that may have to bite the dust this spring.
Trees are simply biological life just like an insect or a blade of grass. Nothing mysterious going on there.
Sunflowers can be pretty lively over the course of a day. And the grapevines trying to pull my pasture fence down - there's some vegetation that may have to bite the dust this spring.
Something - I think oaks? - do that with gypsy moths.Black cherry trees that are being eaten by insects will give off pheromones that other black cherries can detect, and those trees start to convert compounds in their leaves into cyanide to deter or kill the insects - just the tip of the iceberg of plant communications and symbiotic relationships
Not sure but in michigan last year was one of the worst if not the worst for gypsy moths on record. Whole swaths of forests were bare of leaves by end of July beginning of August, my place up north was covered in them and at night sounded like rain from all the droppings, could count hundreds on oak and popple trunks. Everything was covered in caterpillar poop.Something - I think oaks? - do that with gypsy moths.
Going back to the original post here. Yes a tree can have a spirit, good or bad. If a sounder of hogs can be possessed and run off a cliff and destroy a towns economy, then a tree or trees can be possessed. Our eyes will be open one day and we will not be looking through cloudy glass.Another thread on here go me to thinking about this and I thought I would start a thread about it. Do any of yall believe some trees have a spirit? As a logger I certainly hope they don't but whos to say for sure. Ive ran across a few that I thought were out to get me that's for sure. I had a chestnut oak once that shot off the stump, flipped ends and the whole top ended up ALL around the stump! I also cut a wild cherry once that wasn't leaning hardly at all, perfect trunk, very little top. I swear to God that tree literally EXPLODED mid way up the trunk AS IT WAS FALLING and slabs, landed all around me! There wasn't anywhere to run so I just had to stand there and let it all happen. After it was all said and done, there wasn't a solid 8 ft section of that tree left.
Another one that comes to mind is a buddy of mine was building a house and at the time there was no public water so he had to drill a well. He had a "water witcher" come out and locate well spots. Witchers wife came with him but she sat in the truck. After they got done and were fixing to leave she looked at my buddy, pointed to a tree at the edge of his yard, and told him "you better cut that tree before you build your house, that tree is ANGRY!" MY buddy listened to her politely and promptly forgot all about that warning. After all, this tree was a chestnut oak about 48in across the stump and it was leaning down the hill at a very steep angle directly AWAY from his house. You guessed it, about the time he got the house dried in, that tree turned 180 degrees UPHILL and AWAY from the lean, and took the front porch off his new house!
Humans are biological yet we hand flowers to those we love. There are two sides of the brain. They must connect for a man to function well. There is the human Animal and the greater self that's not physical.Trees are simply biological life just like an insect or a blade of grass. Nothing mysterious going on there.
Humans are biological yet we hand flowers to those we love. There are two sides of the brain. They must connect for a man to function well. There is the human Animal and the greater self that's not physical.
The physical is totally different than the Spiritual-or Abstract unseen part of human life. Children express it best. Feelings. Love or Fear is UNSEEN.. it can not be measured or weighed by physical means..Humans FEEL something. They do their best to express it by physical means by their voice and actions BUT no solid provable or measurable proof of what they feel can be scientific poroven..Heart rate goes up.. That's physical not abstract. It's impossible to mix the two sciences..No one can prove their love with is feelings, and belief by any unseen means. In an attempt to prove our feelings we Do things. We give flowers, we shout, we fight or we embrace. We express hate or acceptance BUT those two things are separate. My friend is Atheist. Does NOT believe in a Deity..I'm Shaman..One day we drove to a city 40 miles from her home for late night lunch. When we arrived I announced I'd laid my cell phone on the trunk of her car..She said, Oh my What will you do. I said, FIRST,, I will NOT get upset.. Lets enjoy our meal and later I will ask my Spirit Guides to help me find it.. A few hours later as we neared her house I said, Exuse me while I pray.. Out loud I asked. Then I said, I heard a voice in my head it said the celular slid off the trunk when me made a sharp turn at the names of this road and that road (names with-held)..She replied NO it could NOT have stayed on that long that's miles from my house. I said, we shall see. It was dark by the time I got to the intersection. I got a flash light and there was the phone..She said, YOU are Physic. I said, NO, I am not. Humans are animals. Give credit to the unseen deity. To show it's love for me, the Spirits just gave me a bouquet of Roses. Deities don't prove themselves. They are. I've done stuff like this many times but it's NOT the man of flesh. It's the inner man who acknowledges the Abstract and lives in both worlds.The Definition for Shaman is he who walks between the worlds. I believe ANYONE should be able to do it..NO I do not know everything...ONLY that which I am told..the voice is in my head. My daughter with a Masters in Psychology has known me all her life and tells me I'm not insane. She is well educated and believes all religion is Mythology. She might be right. What I do is NOT a religion..No church..No one to worship. No one great leader who knows it all... NO asking for anyone for money.. Just being who I am..Living alone and enjoying my short "animal body" life on earth knowing when this Dream ends I will be in a beautiful world and continue to learn, mature and grow more aware, loving kind and understanding. I see no need for a Devil or hell..I create my own world. I see what I chose to see and it''s all good..Humans worry way to much. Fight when it's unnecessary. Try to change minds of others and that's' not our job..People have a right to be wrong and I graciously accept that in the eyes of MOST base humans (which I try to avoid being remotely like) would by their limited abilities to understand the Great Wide world of The NEVER ending abstract: would by physical reasoning, render a man who thinks like me insane as elllll..I assure them I'm completely harmless and to them I ask this one question:, Are you happy all the time? Everyday of your life? Of course they say no and disbelieve me when I say I am..If there is NO spirit world and I die happy and assured like this, I won anyway. My daughter asked me, "Daddy, what IF you die and there is NO other world". I replied, Ellll, I won't give a damn.. How will I know? Ha. Ha. we both laughed...This is my opinion. It's a take it or leave it. Curse me, hate me or roll eyes. No one could change my mind so it's useless to straighten me out. Ha. Ha. i'm like a Hog in a mud puddle, I like it here. Ha Ha. Have a great day..Going back to the original post here. Yes a tree can have a spirit, good or bad. If a sounder of hogs can be possessed and run off a cliff and destroy a towns economy, then a tree or trees can be possessed. Our eyes will be open one day and we will not be looking through cloudy glass.
Finally getting time to talk more about this.. It's 03:10 here and I just finished my homework on line and my volunteer work.. FIRST..You can put me in the Roll your eyes category.
I recharge my batteries so to speak with walks into the giant Western red cedar groves that are not known to many others. The feeling I get being there and when I leave is beyond any words I can describe. Some of these trees are 1000 to 1600 years old and 12 foot on the stump DBH.
So for me, for the forest to have such a profound effect on ones body, emotions and soul, I would have to say that trees resonate at a frequency higher than ours and thus must be more than just organic material.
The thing is half and half. Man is Half Physical and Half "unseen".. The unseen houses feelings, emotions, deep thought far above the human mind. That's the higher mind. There we find ourselves or we neglect ourselves.. People who are depressed most often are stuck in the past. The human mind..They can't get past what has happended to them. They have no faith in anything getting any better They become trapped in their OWN physical mind and by not having a belief in the Higher Mind they deny it's existence to themselves and by doing so they blind the eyes of the other self and therefore can never experience it. It's impossible to experience that which we have already determined does not exist.I recharge my batteries so to speak with walks into the giant Western red cedar groves that are not known to many others. The feeling I get being there and when I leave is beyond any words I can describe. Some of these trees are 1000 to 1600 years old and 12 foot on the stump DBH.
So for me, for the forest to have such a profound effect on ones body, emotions and soul, I would have to say that trees resonate at a frequency higher than ours and thus must be more than just organic material.