Starting age for chain saw

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Been lucky

Cut the end of my shoe ,once.Threw a chain,on an 048 ,running wide open,riped my britches,no cut,wear chaps now.I have nicked myself,installing chains[stupidity]:eek:
Thanks for all the advice and histories, esp. Che's comments as a Mom.
Also, fully concur with comments re: abiding by son's, DILs wishes. I'd let the 4 YO use the hatchet as I'd caught him trying to use a 5 lb. axe! He's really aggressive, grandma (DW) couldn't find his dad once at 4 YO cause he was 100 ft up in a D. fir tree!

Do let all the GK's (with son/ DILs concurrance -- youngest GK 2 YO) run the track loader (full ROPS/FOPS) while sitting on my lap. 9 YO GD lifted a 42 in dia 15 ft wet cottonwood log and dropped it on the front cowl (bounced off another section of the log), no even close injuries but 2 hours of welding for repairs!

Self: too poor when a kid for Pop to own a chain saw, but had more than a few misery whip sessions. First ran CS when 23, 137 stitches when 25. (recall the old external roller bar tips? , believe they were recalled/discontinued due to my insurance claims).

DL has not yet allowed any firearms sessions.
Late teens. Went to work for a tempermental older fella - he was retired from the department of water and power, but kept his own partime thing going.

I worked with this guy for years, and that is pretty much how I paid my way through college.

I actually miss that "loco tree trimmer" as some of his closer friends used to call him... I lost touch with him when he moved up north from here, and then I heard he had passed on...
Dad let me use a Homelite XL along side him cutting firewood at age 13. That was thirty two years ago. I have progressed alot since and have my own business. He used to fall the trees and I would limb them. He taught me to think what I was doing, it has gotten me out of a lot of tree problems and have only nicked my steel toed shoes a couple of times and my kevlar pants. (The Lord is good to me.) I use all the safety equipment because I need to work everyday, with little down time. When I was in high school, a friend slipped with his saw running and it cut all the way up the side of his leg. Each tooth cut 2-3 in. cuts from his ankle to his upper thigh. He was hurting for quite a while. Kevlar chaps are now easily available, reasonably priced and can keep you working if you make that one slip with your saw.
My father let me use his (with him right there and only for taking limbs off and bucking) when I was about 12 to 16, and at that it was very little. I didn't get my own and start using it until I was about 30.
It's all truth, just a part of being brought up a redneck in north I guess. Ask Roachy its just a Pottstown thing. Maybe its the water.
Started at the age of 12 working with an electric chainsaw. After my mom saw that I could use it proficiently, she then let me go solo with the gas saws at 14 providing I was close to the house. At 15 I progressed to working by myself for friends and relatives and thats where I stand to date. Luckily I have yet to cut myself.
Originally posted by cybergeek23851
Started at the age of 12 working with an electric chainsaw. After my mom saw that I could use it proficiently, she then let me go solo with the gas saws at 14 providing I was close to the house.

Because we all know that electric chain can't cut you,right?:confused:

As for me, started at age 29, probably lucky I haven't killed myself, but no scratches so far.
I think I was 15. I don't remember any body teaching me to use the thing. It was a little 10" Homelite we used to cut some firewood. Dads gone now but I still have the Homelite and the lil bugger still runs after 30 years and alot of abuse!
Originally posted by Newfie
Because we all know that electric chain can't cut you,right?:confused:

As for me, started at age 29, probably lucky I haven't killed myself, but no scratches so far.

No, my mom started me with an electric saw so that I could learn the basics;
-how to use a chainsaw safely
-how to do basic maintnance i.e. chain filing, bar maintnance.

and Newfie, sharp or dull any saw chain can cut you.
I was 17 wgen I ran a saw for the first time. My dad showed me how to start the saw, and warned me about kickback. Then I was off to take down some trees (big bushes really) that the weedwhacker could not handle. Funny thing about the Stihl vs Husky battle. When I first began looking for a saw, most people seemed to think the Stihl were more reliable. So I got a Stihl. My next saw is likely to be a 346XP though. Go figure, huh? IMHO, 4 years old is a bit young for a hatchet, but it would depend on the maturity and disposition of the child. My son will be 4 in July 2006. I will let you know then.:D
I think I was around 10 or 11 the first time I ran a saw. Dad was right there, I think both of his hands were on it at the same time too.:) Of course, at that age the Jonsered 630 was a HUGE saw, it's still big today! It was several more years before I was running a saw solo. But, then again, I've been splitting firewood in some fashion or another since I was about 6, so I've been around the equipment for 20 years....

Though I've never cut myself with a running saw, I did learn my lesson when I cut part of my (then) brand new insulated bibs when I was 17. I didn't set the chainbrake after making a cut, and the chain was still spinning as I brought it down to my side. I've still got those bibs too... That was almost 9 years ago.

I too have cut myself while sharpening and changing chains, now it's standard that I've got on leather gloves!

I volunteered to take down two big willow trees from my parent's front yard when I was 14. I wanted to use the bow saw that I had, but instead Dad bought a little craftsman with a 12" bar and I just dropped the limbs intact while standing on the ground and then cut them up for firewood. Not much heat value in that willow!

After that, I used my money earned from washing dishes and bought a Sachs Dolmar 119 in 1980 (maybe 1981) when still in high school and cut wood for my neighbors for free because I just really like cutting wood with a saw. Still have the Sachs and it still cuts great.

I'd say if a child shows some mechanical aptitude and also respect for mechanical equipment, then teach them to use a bow saw, them a chainsaw later.
age for chainsaw

first i have to say right off i didnt read all the posts but stephenbullmans caught my eye. i dont know what your situation is but i dve been in the woods forever and i did everything to piss him off (sorry) working for people who wouldnt pay me you name it i REBELLED because he thought my brother just did it from instinct which he can butits taken alot of years to persuade him and im telling you i worked for peanuts just to prove it. you should pay attention if maybe she shows no interest in anything else.try but dont give up the first time i was PETRIFIED the first time, no matter what be patient and teach her in the right way. my dad is still too scared and i had to teach my self to cut just to have work, with someone helping me hold the saw! trust me on this one. if she wants to learn teach her and as for a saw i have no idea my neice has 4 wheelers and such but im pretty sure shed never get a saw at this age shes to distracted but who knows every kid is dif. see i run off at the mouth ALWAYS!!! sorry
Re: age for chainsaw

Originally posted by daddieslilgirl
first i have to say right off i didnt read all the posts but stephenbullmans caught my eye. i dont know what your situation is but i dve been in the woods forever and i did everything to piss him off (sorry) working for people who wouldnt pay me you name it i REBELLED because he thought my brother just did it from instinct which he can butits taken alot of years to persuade him and im telling you i worked for peanuts just to prove it. you should pay attention if maybe she shows no interest in anything else.try but dont give up the first time i was PETRIFIED the first time, no matter what be patient and teach her in the right way. my dad is still too scared and i had to teach my self to cut just to have work, with someone helping me hold the saw! trust me on this one. if she wants to learn teach her and as for a saw i have no idea my neice has 4 wheelers and such but im pretty sure shed never get a saw at this age shes to distracted but who knows every kid is dif. see i run off at the mouth ALWAYS!!! sorry


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