you can understand if the bearing is bad ,but sometimes you can not , the most problem is if you put the seal corectly , he test the saw with vacuum-presure i hope and he find a leak , he put the new seal and now he say that the saw hold ( psi ) so we can say that he solve the problem, if he have again leaks from the same seal then he must see for bearing or something, this is the reason that good technicians dont give the saw imidiatelly after the repair but hold it for a 2 or 3 days in case if something go wrong.My 066 leaked awefully on the clutch side. It was a bad bearing that caused the seal to fail.
How does the OP verify that this isn't the cause for his leak?
Not trying to instill anxiety in anyone, but how does he know?
me too ,I set the legs in first by hand then attach the puller body ,then rotate the unit pivotingI replace seals with the Stihl puller. Sometimes I replace seals now just to enjoy how well the puller works.
I am suprised that a puller would work out ok I was afraid to risk it with the poly flywheelYeah, pretty much.
I use a 2 jaw puller tool.
I would not recommend doing that. The correct tool is not that expensive.I am suprised that a puller would work out ok I was afraid to risk it with the poly flywheel