Edge & Engine
ArboristSite.com Sponsor
I don't think anybody's gotten theirs yet (we haven't). Any updates?
Having just obtained an 08S, I now find myself in need of one of these badges.
Have they been delivered to Edge & Engine yet?
(yes, I am going to head over to his website right now to check)
I ordered more than I probably need. I'll make sure you get one when they come out.
Thanks for the offer - rep sent!
Let me know when they arrive and what the cost is.
Cost? No cost to you. You're due for some payback from the Beg for Manuals thread.
I don't think anybody's gotten theirs yet (we haven't). Any updates?
Yes, we are dragging our feet a bit due to the quantity required, I will sort this out and get back to you with a price and delivery the early part of next week.
Hi Patrick,
Are you disease free yet ?![]()
Finally, an answer (or at least SOME form of communication!) today after a couple of angry messages:
Not sure what he means by "due to the quantity required" - surely 400 as opposed to 50 just means you leave the cutting machine running a bit longer, you leave the printing press running a bit longer, you anodise a few more batches than usual...
At least he admitted they were "dragging their feet". He does have a nice aluminium business card, though.
For those asking if there will be extra available - yes, there will be a few. I have a list (YOU'RE ALL ON MY LIST!!!!) of those who put their names down, so I can contact them in due course should they not see the thread I put up - once these are finally made and in my sweaty hands.
I look forward to seeing what "The early part of next week" brings!
Are you still trying to get rid of those crabs with an ice pick?
I get the impression he's dragging his feet because 400 is a "small" run for him to make? He's probably used to orders in the thousands of pieces.
Are you still trying to get rid of those crabs with an ice pick?
We need to thin out the herd a bit. Darwinism just isn't what it used to be.opcorn:
Patrick, don't forget about your buddy Ray.
Too much beer I think... AHAHA! Tricked you, there is no much thing as too much beer.![]()