The op hasn’t been here in a while, probably bought a stihl and never looked back! As a stihl/echo guy myself, Nothing could sway me to husky unless it was free.
I saw this thread and wondered why the 261/262 is so much better than the 026. I have an 026 and never really cared for it. I thought it was going to be it's slightly smaller little punk ass brother to my 034, and it is not half the saw. Why is that? I am looking at another saw and decided the 261 was just another saw that was too little so a 362 seemed to be in order to compliment my old 034 , and be inbetween my 441. I just never thought the 026 was much of a saw nut so many just love that saw. Why is the 261 so much better?
FWIW. The 362 isn't a noticeable step up from your 034. In fact, if it's an 034 super, it's essentially the same saw just 3 generatins older/newer. Power wise, your 441 is essentially nothing next step up from the 034/036/360/362 family with an additional 10cc of displacement.I saw this thread and wondered why the 261/262 is so much better than the 026. I have an 026 and never really cared for it. I thought it was going to be it's slightly smaller little punk ass brother to my 034, and it is not half the saw. Why is that? I am looking at another saw and decided the 261 was just another saw that was too little so a 362 seemed to be in order to compliment my old 034 , and be inbetween my 441. I just never thought the 026 was much of a saw nut so many just love that saw. Why is the 261 so much better?
They could potentially cut about the same. They may have roughly the same hp, but the 034 has more displacement, and will have more torque. If an 18" bar will do what you want, put one on your 034 with the .325 chain. Get a drive bearing for a 70cc saw (don't remember the PN or dimensions, but I can get it for you if you want), install a drum that accepts a standard spline rim, and put a 9 pin rim on it. Keep your rakers low, and your 034 will cut like a piranha after a bleeding calf. I run my 036 this way and really like it for bucking and felling so long as I don't have to plunge cut. The low rakers make the chain a little to grabby for plunge cuts.Now ya all got me wondering. My 034 is 4.1 horse and has the 3/8" loop. The 262 has 4 horse and has the .325" This would mean a 262 should out cut my 034. No? The 262 has the thinner chain . SHould out cut my 034.
So I sell firewood for a side hustle and am looking to get a bigger saw. I'm no chainsaw expert so I'm asking for opinions. Id like to expand and get logs by the truck load when I get a property but that is out of the option with over bidding real estate right now.
I'm currently running a 026 with 16" bar which will do 90% of the wood I get. Biggest I've had so far is 23" rarely above 20"
I was set on getting the ms261c but its backorder late july possibly longer. For the price of used saws I'd rather buy a new one.
Do any of stihl bigger saws compare or are better than the 261 for what I need? Possibly 500i?
What is the upgrade carb for a MS362?I cut firewood as a side hustle and I use a ms250 and ms362. I've been cutting firewood for about 15 years. I up graded to the 362 carb 2 years ago. Since then I've doubled my firewood production and bought me a 25ton splitter. And it's done everything I asked it to do including a couple of 41 inch plus trees. My buddy has a 60cc homelite super xl mine is twice as fast as that good ole saw. His has more bottom end torque I cant hog with it like he can his but I'm still twice as fast. I also a few months ago found a used ms880 for sale that hasn't been used very much. My 362 fairly well hangs with the 880. In 25inch red oak only a few seconds difference. What I loose in cutting speed I make up for in agility so I'm actually faster in the long run with the 362. Now go up to 40 plus inch wood I'm sure I will be faster with the 880. But the 880 has only been used to cut down 2 big 50inch plus trees that were not firewood was told to cut them down then cut them in 9 foot chunks. And I kept all the branches for my firewood using the 362. The 362 or the 400 are awesome firewood saws. The 462 maybe better; not much heavier and can handle a longer bar. I just couldn't justify the price of a 462 at the time although I could of bought a new one with what I bought the 880 for. But I wouldn't of had the money for the spliter or 880 if I hadn't bought the 362. For me it was a game changer. Made my side hustle much easier on me because it was so much faster than my 250. On a side note my ms250 is faster than my buddies 60cc homelite even in 25 inch red oak but not much faster.(maybe a half a second) But his can handle a 24inch bar and can handle 30 to 40 inch wood better than the 250 and not be stressed out doing it just a bit slower.
I just have the carb version 362 not mtronic. I'd have to look and find a part number if that's what you want?What is the upgrade carb for a MS362?
I am ready to buy a MS362 carb version as well so - no rush - but when you have the chance please let me know.I just have the carb version 362 not mtronic. I'd have to look and find a part number if that's what you want?