Stihlmans Wood,Tree cutting ramblings...........

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what are they spam'en all i see is a post and red x x x

If you quote their posts you'll find photo links to other websites. All you have to do is look at when they joined, follow their posts, and you'll find they make no sense despite actually dropping names etc. For example on one of Fay355's posts on the off topic "5 word thread" Fay355 says "I've bought a couple of them off of Copsey's website" or something along those lines. It simply didn't make sense which is why I looked forward then reported the posts as spam.
Koala numbers in Qld are dropping rapidly, and I think it comes down to habitat encroachment, ie. houses and domestic dogs, etc.

Gunnedah in NSW is 100km away from me and has a big koala population but can't recall ATM whether numbers are stable or not.

A huge worry is the Tassie Devil's facial tumour and rapidly dropping numbers.
Hopefully the breeding program that's been undertaken up on Barrington near here really comes off, it's looking very promising so far.
Unfortunately things like this fly under the radar, and when you lose either predator or prey out of an eco system it has reverberations right through the chain.
Eventually something moves in and balance is restored, but it may not be the balance that we want.

I really do believe that humans are increasing the rate of change of things, there's seven billion of us now, there were under one billion in 1800 and every one of us consumes far, far more of our natural resources than any one individual did two hundred years ago.

To give it some perspective, imagine what everything looked like in our own country before white fella got here, and then extrapolate that to across the globe. Think of the deforestation that's occurred worldwide in the last two hundred years, which is less than a blip in time in a geological sense.
Sheer numbers suggest we must be making an impact, and to me it's a little scary what we are collectively doing as a species, we continue to consume finite resources as if they are infinite.

I also agree that the world is a little more complex than any computer modelling can predict, but from my perspective from living and working on the land, and now supplying services and goods to people working the land I'd like to see a little more thought from our political leaders and city dwellers on how fragile our environment, and in particular water resources are in this country.
At the moment the extraction industries almost have carte blanche over where and how they do their thing, and with an ever increasing world population food security will become a huge issue globally in a very short time.
Mining exports don't earn near as much as people are led to believe, our Ag sector still earns massive export $ and will continue to do so, as long as we have decent river and artesian water to do it with.

Do I sound like a greenie ?
Possibly, but Farmers and Greenies are finding they have a lot more in common than they ever realised, and are working and supporting each other around around here in the battle against govt and the extraction sector.

BTW, there was a very good article in yesterdays Sydney Morning Herald (and I assume The Age) by Ross Gittens, the papers economics editor on the why's, workings and idea behind a non revenue raising tax (in relative terms) like the Carbon Tax.
If you can scrounge a copy from somewhere, it's well worth the read. Unfortunately I can't find it online.

Personally I think it's a dumb move, but it's no where near the bogey man the Mad Monk has made it out, either.

A better idea might have been along these lines if Govt wanted to encourage change in the big polluters.

Once upon a time Australia encouraged industry to invest in new technologies with a 150% tax write off for R&D.

As an example, at the time, BHP employed 600 people, purely in R&D, spending billions of $ on research.

Guess how many BHP employ in pure research these days ?
A big, fat 0.

A PhD mate of mine worked for them and ran a lot of their research stuff during those days and this was his suggestion during one of our 'fix the world and get rid of the poliies' conversations, and IMO it has huge merit.
(he runs cattle on 1500 acres and owns the local newsagency now)

John Howard and Sneaky Pete Costello dumped that incentive, just as they squandered even bigger potential surpluses and infrastructure investments on middle class welfare just to buy votes, and the current lot are too dumb to re-implement it.

And we wonder why our good tech like solar panel technology has all gone offshore to China or the US ?

A carrot works better than a stick, ask anyone that works with animals :D

Sooo well spoken. I am not a greenie but this information has to be shared with you all.
I believe in getting it out in the open. There is sooo much government conspiracy, vote rigging that it is UNBELEIVABLE, promising change but never actually delivering results. I am a tradesperson and I remember what John Howard did to ALL the potential young Aussie apprentices in this country, all in a bid for better surplusses.

I have heard that the Tasmanian devil problem regarding the spread of diseases is caused by Gunns Pulp Mill aerial spraying insecticides on the new re-planted growth timber to stop the insects from eating them. This is causing the deterioration of the Tasmanian devils.

All in the pursuit of more profits.
There have been a few good stories coming out of Tassie Rick with the Tassie Devil. Not sure if you've heard but they have actually found a few younger devils from highly infected areas that have shown to be immune/resistant to the tumours. They are now looking at doing more investigations at a genetic level.
As a race we also have to remember that some animal, bird, reptile etc species are destined for extinction regardless of human interference. A lot of species have become extinct in the past prior to humans even inhabiting the earth. As cute as Koalas are they are of little ecological importance in the grand scheme of things.
I agree with you on the explosive population growth mate and it certainly would seem impossible for the human race to have not had an impact on the climate. Sadly though the environmental "industry" has turned into big business now and they are pulling the good old BS scare tactics crap on a daily basis, quite often NOT because they care about the environment but because they want funding or more sales. Carbon friendly is the new organic tag making people assume all is dandy. The greenie element has certainly shown they are experts at exaggeration over the years and the general population is getting to "the boy who cried wolf" stage. Like you I'm certainly no environmental vandal and do care but I'm also very sceptical about where the so called "educated" information is coming from on both sides. There are a lot of agendas going on from the environmental lobby.
Oh and as far as farming and food production goes as a whole our biggest issue is simply commodity pricing. We cannot compete with countries that pay peanuts for labour and our government is more interested in supporting other countries' food production than supporting their own. Many of our government employed researchers/experts have spent more time in the last 20 years showing our overseas opposition how to grow their food more efficiently than they have our own farmers. Send our expertise overseas so our competitor's learn how to grow food the same as us with 1/10 the labour costs.

Anyway Andrew back to chopping every tree down you lay your eyes on :D

Matt, another great reply. Well worth the read.
I am sorry Andrew,
(A) for all my previous spelling mistakes and not proof reading them, and secondly
(B) for hi-jacking your thread but hasn't it conjured up personal thoughts which I believe are important to all of us.
All the best to you guys
I have heard that the Tasmanian devil problem regarding the spread of diseases is caused by Gunns Pulp Mill aerial spraying insecticides on the new re-planted growth timber to stop the insects from eating them. This is causing the deterioration of the Tasmanian devils.

All in the pursuit of more profits.

Nah mate that is not the case at all in regard to the Tasmanian Devils.
It is a very uncommon form of infectious cancerous tumour.
There is no evidence to suggest it is caused by humans or insecticides. Certain chemicals can indeed be carcinogenic but the infectious part is where that argument falls in a hole.
This is probably some sort of rhetoric spread by an animal libber against Gunns with an IQ in single digits who doesn't understand the disease and the way it works.
Sooo well spoken. I am not a greenie but this information has to be shared with you all.
I believe in getting it out in the open. There is sooo much government conspiracy, vote rigging that it is UNBELEIVABLE, promising change but never actually delivering results. I am a tradesperson and I remember what John Howard did to ALL the potential young Aussie apprentices in this country, all in a bid for better surplusses.

I have heard that the Tasmanian devil problem regarding the spread of diseases is caused by Gunns Pulp Mill aerial spraying insecticides on the new re-planted growth timber to stop the insects from eating them. This is causing the deterioration of the Tasmanian devils.

All in the pursuit of more profits.

well I do not want to get into a spat with you Wayne over this on Andrews good thred, but just what did John Howard do to all potential young apprentices in this country?(I do recall that he gave them cash to pay for their tools when they started)

as for the Tas devil problem, re Gunn's spraying causing the prob, I would say this was more of a green conspiracy then any wolesale vote rigging in Australia.
Another load today.:)


well I do not want to get into a spat with you Wayne over this on Andrews good thred, but just what did John Howard do to all potential young apprentices in this country?(I do recall that he gave them cash to pay for their tools when they started)

as for the Tas devil problem, re Gunn's spraying causing the prob, I would say this was more of a green conspiracy then any wolesale vote rigging in Australia.

Mate , if my memory serves me correct ( I MAY BE WRONG ) but your mate Johnnie killed off most of the gov'nt assistance to taking on apprentices. In my day the actual gov'nt departments took on apprentices in the railways, building industries etc but now where have all these depaqrtments and jobs gone???. There used to be the gov'nt run housing industry.
What, for a better Surplus.??? To spend it elsewhere ???
Why does this country now have to import sooo many tradespersons from other countrys. Mate in the NT , a lot of the mechainics at the big dealers use Phillipino workers cause they are english speaking and obviously the labour costs aqre cheaper. Dont get me started on that.
Mining, we are getting a lot of South African personel as well.
Look at your area and the unemployment levels and think to yourself if some of the younger generation would not love to have these jobs.
I know of young guys that would love to have an apprentiship but cannot gain one in there area.
We can blow millions on illegal immigrants but not on our own youth or old aged pensioners. Dont get me started .
As for Gunns, well I may have it wrong but chemicals do leave a lot to be desired.
I have completed a farm accreditation course where I hade on several occassions had sch 8 level poisions. From memory herion was level 9.
Chemicals do play a part in our lives in many ways.
At present my brother in law in South Australia is dying from cancer, possdibly caused by being a farmer all his life and the use of chemicals.?
But who knows , and because he is not an illegal immigrant and has only paid his taxes all his life , well, no political party are interested in him.
Sorry for my rant, not sure if you are a tradesperson or not but this is what I see happening to this country and yes I do have children that I wish to gain employment in this country, if it is not sold off before hand.
good load Andrew,:msp_thumbup:

Wayne, you have made some good points and at times you have missed the point, Just IMHO,
we could rant and rave all day and not agree on anything, but at the end of the it would all mean
eff all to you and me becouse thing are changing there is not much you or I can do but to get on
with our lives the best we can!:sucks:
good load Andrew,:msp_thumbup:

Wayne, you have made some good points and at times you have missed the point, Just IMHO,
we could rant and rave all day and not agree on anything, but at the end of the it would all mean
eff all to you and me becouse thing are changing there is not much you or I can do but to get on
with our lives the best we can!:sucks:

Hey Bigdgb, yeah mate , I am definately not perfect and at times with enough help from a beer or two I definately have missed the point.
The thing I like about this discussion is that collectively their has been some great input by all.
I dont mean anyone any harm.
Cheers Wayne
Mate , if my memory serves me correct ( I MAY BE WRONG ) but your mate Johnnie killed off most of the gov'nt assistance to taking on apprentices. In my day the actual gov'nt departments took on apprentices in the railways, building industries etc but now where have all these depaqrtments and jobs gone???. There used to be the gov'nt run housing industry.
What, for a better Surplus.??? To spend it elsewhere ???
Why does this country now have to import sooo many tradespersons from other countrys. Mate in the NT , a lot of the mechainics at the big dealers use Phillipino workers cause they are english speaking and obviously the labour costs aqre cheaper. Dont get me started on that.
Mining, we are getting a lot of South African personel as well.
Look at your area and the unemployment levels and think to yourself if some of the younger generation would not love to have these jobs.
I know of young guys that would love to have an apprentiship but cannot gain one in there area.
We can blow millions on illegal immigrants but not on our own youth or old aged pensioners. Dont get me started .
As for Gunns, well I may have it wrong but chemicals do leave a lot to be desired.
I have completed a farm accreditation course where I hade on several occassions had sch 8 level poisions. From memory herion was level 9.
Chemicals do play a part in our lives in many ways.
At present my brother in law in South Australia is dying from cancer, possdibly caused by being a farmer all his life and the use of chemicals.?
But who knows , and because he is not an illegal immigrant and has only paid his taxes all his life , well, no political party are interested in him.
Sorry for my rant, not sure if you are a tradesperson or not but this is what I see happening to this country and yes I do have children that I wish to gain employment in this country, if it is not sold off before hand.

well i totally agree with you on all count's this time
Another load today.:)



Can't be that heavy Andrew. The tyres don't even need any air in the bottom :D

As for Gunns, well I may have it wrong but chemicals do leave a lot to be desired.
I have completed a farm accreditation course where I hade on several occassions had sch 8 level poisions. From memory herion was level 9.
Chemicals do play a part in our lives in many ways.
At present my brother in law in South Australia is dying from cancer, possdibly caused by being a farmer all his life and the use of chemicals.?

I agree with you on the jobs being taken and apprenticeships mate, no doubt about it. This country really needs a rocket up it's arse.
Also I'm not saying that chemicals can't cause cancer. I sell, recommend, and work with them every day. In fact I've sold a few million bucks worth in the last few weeks (June 30 and tax time :(). Most insecticides are harmful to mammals in one way or another and many are known carcinogens and mutagens. I've had a number of acetyl choline blood tests over the years to assess blood cholinesterase levels from exposure to anti cholinesterase organophosphate insecticides - unfortunately this group of chemicals work the same way on us as on insects due to our nervous system working in exactly the same way. Also the chemical scheduling has changed now. The old S7 is now called a "Dangerous Poison" and is the highest on the list available to farmers. You need a Chem Cert to buy S7's but S6's down can be bought by anyone over the counter.
The main thing with the Tassie Devils though is that the tumours are basically a form of infectious cancer and chemicals don't cause infectious disease like that.

Anyway Andrew back to cutting down trees and being úber carbon negative...
Not the best vid (looking back into the sun) but anyway pulling back leaners away from the fence.The wood we were cutting is the shoots from about 16 years ago when they were first cut down.
Dont know what i was doing there at the start couldnt get the dogs in or mate was pulling and pickin the bar,saw is good old 261 got 46 hrs on it know.

Been at it again today sawbenching the smaller stuff up,got about one more load to go and we wll be all done.


A vid of the stock 441C with a muff modd doin its thing.:msp_ohmy:

Very hard to get and limited colours to pick from,there still blaming the floods they had with part supplyers getting up to speed.:mad:

Thats right, I remember hearing about some rain in QLD a while back. Everyone fighting for the last few pink ones are they :hmm3grin2orange: