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About that saw you sent me Randy, it's got a bit of a nasty rattle..... What's your warranty again![]()
Ha, warranty you say
With Randy you get the old :hmm3grin2orange
Once you got the saw
Two fu##en bad
About that saw you sent me Randy, it's got a bit of a nasty rattle..... What's your warranty again![]()
Ya its taken me 19 years to get her this far.:msp_rolleyes:
Yep,but i think im still way behind and never will catch up.:msp_unsure:
Never, ever![]()
Hah hah you guys crack me up and bring back horrific memories of being involved with a 3 day eventing, dressage, and showjumping girl in the early to mid 90's.
For example:
$20,000 horse float.
$10,000 horse.
$1500 XB Falcon to tow it with as that's all she could afford.
Sort of don't make no sense to me![]()
We used to reckon you could tell who was serious about their motor racing by their road car.
If the roadie was only worth 1/10 of the race car's value, respect, if they drove up in a new Godzilla (as an Eastern Suburbs doctor I raced 'against' used to), ******.
Example. Back when Glen Seton started his own race team he ran around in an old Gemini. Respect.![]()
About that saw you sent me Randy, it's got a bit of a nasty rattle..... What's your warranty again![]()
Ha, warranty you say
With Randy you get the old :hmm3grin2orangene and two warranty
Once you got the saw
Two fu##en bad
Sorry Rick but I disagree. Anybody who owned an Australia delivered R32 GTR was a good bloke![]()
Glen Seton is a good bloke. What's he up to nowadays? I still love that in car footage in the wet of his FJ20 powered R30 Skyline in the mid 80's...
The warranty is whatever it takes to make it right.
That 2095 has a lot of metal in the rear handle section. We had to tighten the screws in the division between the handle halves. It was making a rattling noise in the video I posted when I put it up for sale.......I thought we had it fixed though. Check all those fasteners in the rear handle.......we used Loctite on some and some were still tight.
If you determine that the engine has any problems just let me know. I'll pay shipping to get it back and repair, replace, refund, or whatever you want.
Including for nasty noises from not using oil as there's no dipstick.... As advised by yourself
Context, Randy :msp_wink: you've got sucked in.... And while it's not the official Aussie dribble thread, it's next best :msp_biggrin:
I think the handle may be rattling a bit and will look at that soon enough.
Hah hah you guys crack me up and bring back horrific memories of being involved with a 3 day eventing, dressage, and showjumping girl in the early to mid 90's.
For example:
$20,000 horse float.
$10,000 horse.
$1500 XB Falcon to tow it with as that's all she could afford.
Sort of don't make no sense to me![]()
Ive given up counting how many "top of the line" horse rugs i have paid for....You need to keep them warm Dad...meanwhile im in a ten dollar jacket from lowes and freezing.
Not to mention the shoeing every five-six weeks, the feed, the supplements, new tack, dentist bills, vet bills, chiro bills........
I was very lucky, SWMBO paid for the lot but to see it continually going out....although for her it was a business expense as she competed to keep her coaching 'name' out there.
And then there are also the extreme cases, I met a horse once who had his feed flown over from France weekly... I had no idea Oz horse feed was so inferior :msp_rolleyes:
Wow. Just wow. :msp_ohmy:
I'm guessing a Thoroughbred ?
I've hob nobbed with the biggest and brightest amongst the Oz/International dressage mob here where spending upwards of $400K a year just buying a couple of new young ones from Europe didn't bat an eyelid and I don't think anyone in it was quite that bad ?
Just to provide some balance I had the arse hanging out of my Wranglers at the time but I did have a multiple Olympic Gold medalist and World champion from Germany cook me eggs for brekky![]()