Somebody's talking crap here & it ain't the tree!
Have you ported your MSA200C yet Andrew? Piggybacked another battery pack off it or something?
Nope the guy is a total ******** i would get the kits of ya but the boss buys them from GA-sparesYou're joking? Do you need any kits?
Nope the guy is a total ******** i would get the kits of ya but the boss buys them from GA-spares
well he is one of the local council workersHey no worries mate. So bells didn't ring when the first saw seized I gather? That's quite a seizefest.
well he is one of the local council workers
he said he thought they cutout when they were to hot
yeah he is known to us at work for breaking everythingOh dear god...
No further explanation needed.
That redgum looks like its well seasoned.Ive had some Redgum work on as well even had a un welcome visitor wonting to play.
The 880 with the 50'' bar even got a run.
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Carbide not worth the hassle ?