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Im going to go surf casting for cutthroats and steel heads soon. What better way to test my new to me daiwa rig. I know a guy who caught a 25# chinook in 3 feet of water off the beach. Real good for salmon here.
I had some cut throat the other day, and it was really one of the best pieces of fish I have ever had. Alot like salmon, but far more moist, juicy, and tender. It was a little milder flavor than salmon. I am not a fan of most salmon, too dry, but this was real good. The extra $6 for a salmon stamp sure will be worth it. About the only good fishing left out here... The rockfish are basically gone, and the crabs will soon follow. Salmon seem to be doing real good. My barber got 26 salmon over 18# last march, all fly fishing from beach.

I cant say I have ever had catfish. None here? Just bass and trout fresh water, with the odd lake full of invasive yellow perch. If you are after sharks, there is a ton of them here. Best way to get them is to fish for anything else. :msp_angry: They are a pain.

IDK, Dan? Haha I hardly fish. Dont have the patience. I like boats, and the river but not so much on the fishing. I like to surf fish.