With what ???
Yer Mom ever tell you to go play in the road? :msp_rolleyes:
More great tool finds today. A bunch more sockets. Another sabina Ohio mac wrench. Some other assorted tools, another ratchet, nice old torque wrench. A Klein binding wire reel, and the find of the decade. A antique starrett 2-3 inch micrometer, in original box, looks to be almost unused. I would bet it's from the 1920s-1930s. I have never seen another starrett in factory box. To add to the you suck factor, I payed $10... :msp_w00t: The guy said "its not digital, does $10 sound alright?" I know machinists who would give their right nut for this.
Also, when the guy heard I work on saws, he said to leave him my number. He is tired of the $75 an hour shop rate, and says he has a ton of saw and mower work. This should pay for the tools.
Well got something done, finally. Sheared a scalp wheel off of my Craftsman lawn tractor yesterday and found a replacement at the big box L. It came off 4 times before I smartened up and looked closer at it and realized the shoulder bolt didn't leave enough room for the wheel to spin, my first one replaced. 1/8" shave off of the wheel with the good ole Dremmel and a little Loctite and mowed the lawn after going to the 3 nephews birthday party. Got the 2 acres done just in time as the rain started.
Tbone sounds like you're having fun demoing the camper. Tearing things apart is always fun. Enjoy!
Did you tell him you're rate is only $74/hr:hmm3grin2orange: Nice. Tools that pay dividends.
Finally got the last load of wood home off the Chopsticks lot. I will drop your birch off soon Dan.
Everyone go to bed ? I just finished planting a mater plant ! LOL The one I had in the pot was looking bad , so I put it in the ground. Hope it makes it !
Hey Dan.
Not yet, been out watering the gardens.
Hey Rob !!
Not nuff rain the last week ? LOL
Hey John!!!!
Ever try Pink Lady tomatoes ? Made to eat like apples.
No rain at all and the days have been really hot and dry, them plants love lots of water and then long hot sunny days. They grow up to 3" in a day.
Never heard of them ? Sounds good ! Yeller ones are my favorite to just eat !
Yep , need lots of water when it stays hot.
No amount of rain in the forecast either so may have to water every night for a while. I don`t want the soil to dry out cause its harder then to get the water to sink in far enough for the roots to grow down deep enough.
No amount of rain in the forecast either so may have to water every night for a while. I don`t want the soil to dry out cause its harder then to get the water to sink in far enough for the roots to grow down deep enough.