Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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Busy night ! Coon coming up through the yard and a possum in the berry patch ! Had to get out something faster for the second shot ! LOL
They got relocated. LOL
Not sure how long the possum had been there,it didn't even move with a loud noise ? Only a few berries left in there. Bet that sucker got me the other night !

Buzzards will be real happy in the morning ! LOL
Mongo is full of chit ! :bad_smelly::bad_smelly::bad_smelly::bad_smelly:

This is not good ! Having a Fathers day GTG here Sun. :hmm3grin2orange:

That is nasty ! :help: :msp_ohmy:

Got to cut it open see if you hit the lungs. Lol

I said R&D would be tough.

Supposedly was the word used.

Mongo sorry.

Kinda. Tee hee....

NC snowplow ???

Hay Jimmy !
Dragging for some reason this morning. probably didnt help that i was out like a light at 8:30. been a rough few days at work, but im picking this stuff up, and slowly having to ask fewer and fewer questions.

Boss man came by yesterday says his MIL brought an "old" homelite by the house yesterday, wanted to know if i could work on it for him. I asked him how "old" it really was. He said it was all metal and looks like it was pretty well cared for. he should be bringing it by today.
Morning guys. Last 3 days of school before exams and summer! Lets hope one of my job applications gets replied to. :msp_unsure: If not, I can make some money doing projects for people.