NC snowplow ???
Hay Jimmy !
Cylinder 1 still won't fire!
What do I do?
That would actually work real well for 90% of what we have around here. Most of the guys just north of me into Gravely Tractors find the broom works great on the light snow falls.
I'm at a loss. Plug still getting wet? Do you know anyone that can do a leak down for you? That's all I can think of. Have you switched the actual plugs? Maybe you've fouled out the new messing around with it? I dunno... :msp_unsure:
Guess I'm gonna have to take it some where to get it fixed
Not that I can afford that right now but..........
Less my uncle can look at it but he is aweful busy building his new house and logging
Guess I'm gonna have to take it some where to get it fixed
Not that I can afford that right now but..........
Less my uncle can look at it but he is aweful busy building his new house and logging
I offered a phone number..................
Sorry Ron don't remember you offering a number........
My go to guy when i cant figure it out.
called him yestday with the problem on a 10hp briggs,i had it apart and found problem in ten minits.
Better get inside, John. They might not be coming for the skunk. :hmm3grin2orange:
Well if you say I should call I will.......
I talked to fish and turbo885 but there suggestions at the time (a month ago) didn't fix it