ArboristSite Guru
wanted real good to excellent plastic cyl.and filter cover for old metal tag stihl 044
looking for the housing and cover,please pm me.
Need an old style cover for my rebuilt 036. Have a new filter and cover that won't fit. Filter has compensator opening at bottom thus is useless to me. Cover has prefilter on top and won't fit my saw. Both are brand new. Willing to trade both for a cover in excellent condition. Tired of buying incorrect parts. Send me a PM if interested.
i needs a cheap 026 carb. i don't care which one as long as it is adjustable and not junk.
i can trade lots of stuff for 031, 056, 009 and a few others.
Kinda a weird one!
Need a trashed 051 cylinder for fitting purposes!
Just need it kinda intact for fitting, clearance, and feasibility study!
I have a very nice homelite 750 that I have gone through with a 36" roller nose bar that runs very strong that I would be willing to trade for a running homie 3100G or an alpina 125.
Well the 3100G search is over so i'd better modify this post to say that I still have the 750 to trade or a good running 1997 Husky 3120 with not a lot of hours for an Alpina 120 or Contra S.
Congrats hoss, I know youve been looking for quite a while.
I'm willing to trade all of my saws for a Poulan Wild Thing. Those saws are on the cutting edge of technology...they are so cool that I've heard that EPA regulations exclude them...I guess the EPA disregarded their regulations in regards to this awesome saw because they feared that the regulations would limit the 'Wildness' of it. They did not want to be accused of taming the Wild Thing (who could ever tame such a beast though...) so they made an exception to regulations figuring that anyone who would run a saw of this caliber probably causes more pollution from burning their mother/aunt/sister's (all the same person) Depends in the stove of their single-wide than they do running the creme de la creme of fantastic forestry tools..aka..THE WILD THING!!! God, I need help....
I did!
And have not looked back!
That Western Style clutch cover is very collectible. My cousin, Earl shot his momma/sister for one of those. They say that if you look at it with one eye closed for 4 minutes, it will make a poop tooth return to its previous yellow color...amazing..I'd keep that treasure on the DL my friend....or someone might be aiming a potato launcher your way. That thing is hotter than a Louisiana Crack whore at a hoot-nanny!
I've got one. Do you have an 056 muffler and/or the cover that goes over the carb?
I've got a needle bearing and air filter now. Still looking for the rest.