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Stihl 020 AV Buffer

Stihl 020AV Annular Buffer part # 1114-790-9900.

Anybody got one of these in good shape laying around? Got some stuff to trade, or can make a tax free donation to your personal acc. Thanks ~Zane


Also need the ON/OFF switch for the 020AV (the plastic piece) Thanks `~Zane
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Only post here after you have exhausted all other resources including searching the entire internets. You must also be in dire need of the parts in question. Whatever you do though don't check with a dealer or a place that sells the things you need and, above all, do not use google. Also, make sure to ignore the first 17 people who tell you the easiest way to fix your problem. :)

Stay classy, San Diego.

Anybody want a Wright bladesaw?

I really appreciate the advice man, I was gonna get that stuff the other day when I was at True Value looking for trimmer string. Well I found the parts I needed, but wouldn't you know it, I left my wallet at home with all my credit cards, and all I had on me was $3.17 and my bus pass. So all I could get was 4 1/2 feet of trimmer string, yeah I know the owner so he sells it to me by the foot...........times are tough, and I had a small clearing job in the morning hopefully I'll make enough to get those other parts, but in the meantime I'll just use duct tape on the handle, and I borrowed a bulb off of a customers Super 2.

I have many leather bound books.

Does it run?
Any chance someone has some piston circlips for a Homelite 410, I believe they are the same as used in super xls and so on.

Homelite Part # 64813


Will the clips from a 330 work? if so pm me your addy. don't have asparagus or ruhbarb to ship with em but i can send some mulch from the bed they are in. Also if you need a 1/4-20 lock nut or a sheet rock screw lemme know.

Got a couple of dem' 2 inchers could probably maybe be cut down to 1 5/8's if need be.

Thanks Scoot, I never thought of that. I looked everywhere and even called a screw dealer and they said 1-5/8" screws were NLA and I should try dubble bubble gum. I just need a couple coarse thread drywall screws to finish attaching the carburetor, muffler, flywheel, kill switch, airfilter, clutch cover, recoil spring and crank bearings on this mini-mac that jon1212 was kind enough to turn me onto in the craigslist thread.

I'm not gonna stop until this thing's back in action or, if I can't find dang sheetrock screws, i'll just throw it in the trash. I ain't gonna beg no more, if y'all don't believe just you watch and see.
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I threw out that mini-mac. You guys were right, they are yellow. I got a used oil cap for a Dolmar 166, does anyone have the piece that connects to it? The one that makes the noise and spins the thingy around?

That's all I am in desperate need of, so if anyone could see it in their heart to look past my early postings and send me that one piece I would gladly split shipping with you.

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You fellers have me LOLing.....

I still have several 026 case halves and one good crank. Also a 44mm jug that I'm sure will clean up......very slight transfer.

I'm gonna list a bunch of stuff on ebay real soon. Gotta get ready for vacation. :rock:
mcculloch 250

I have a couple of mcculloch 250 saws complete they havent ran in years so i dont know what it would take to get them running but both of them have the orginal bars with paint still on them.