Work Saw Specialist
I'm still needing a nice 266xp top cover. :msp_thumbup:
If you would quit playing with them toy saws you wouldn't have that problem :hmm3grin2orange:
If you would quit playing with them toy saws you wouldn't have that problem :hmm3grin2orange:
Looking for an 036 oil pump (complete assembly) and probably a good set of case halves as I re-visit my 036 projects. Would also really like to find a piece of the Homelite hose someone mentioned as a better choice for the insanely hard and difficult 036 oil pump hose that comes in the "kit". Not much to trade 'cept cash right now.
I know this is not a chainsaw but I have chainsaws or parts to trade. I picked up a 49cc pocketbike for my kids. The PO decided to start the engine with a drill due to rewind breaking. Needless to say he broke the bolt and crank. Does anyone have a motor laying around for one of these bikes that has a bad topend?
Looking for an 036 oil pump (complete assembly) and probably a good set of case halves as I re-visit my 036 projects. Would also really like to find a piece of the Homelite hose someone mentioned as a better choice for the insanely hard and difficult 036 oil pump hose that comes in the "kit". Not much to trade 'cept cash right now.
I have these to trade if anyone is interested in them.
Homelite XL901. Runs strong and cuts good. The bar is a 18" on it. Needs air filter and the on/off switch works but the cover is broken.
Skil 947 Type 2. Runs on a prime. The on/off switch is missing on the handle but someone placed one on the side of the saw.
Homelite 150 also runs on a prime. Has Homelite bar but chain will need some assistance. Needs air fliter and cover.
PM me if your interested. Always looking for Stihl parts.
I've been using the thick wall Tygon tubing for this for years without a problem. You must use the thick stuff, not the usual.
Is there a number for it -- or color -- or somethin' else that separates it from regular Tygon fuel line besides wall thickness?
I have a 034 that had a shot top end and missing a bunch... Putting it back together with a 036 top end... Here's what i'm looking for!
1.) air filter and cover
2.) cylinder cover
3.) fuel line
4.) muffler
5.) clutch pack and cover washer
6.) brake band and dust cover
7.) oil cap
8.) wrist pin, needle bering, cir-clips
Also wanting a Stihl 076 muffler cover still!
Got stihl bits and pieces... 009-012, 024/026, 029/390, random bars and chains... $$$...
I these saws have a different stroke on them. The 034 Super has the same stroke as the 036.
If you would quit playing with them toy saws you wouldn't have that problem :hmm3grin2orange:
034, 034S, 036 all use the same crank.