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Have you identified all the species so far?
Still not sure about the tads in the tank that don't have legs yet - I'd say more than half of those are very tiny. Either from more recently laid eggs, or from a smaller frog, like the southern cricket frog.

Those that have arms and legs that I've seen on the rim are mostly green/gray tree frogs. I've seen at least two that are very similar, but have a thinner midsection and prominent bumps on their lower back. I'm guessing those would be southern leopard frogs.
Must be nursery school. :havingarest:

Today's count:
Froglets on the lip and in the tad tank: 28 - I'm not even going to try to count the others in the other two ponds right now. :surprised3:
One frog, looks like a Cope's gray, on the lip. This little guy was totally out of place for this time of day. They stay hidden until the evening. Also, he looked "off" to me, very pale color. I was able to pick him up, also unexpected, and I held him in the water a bit to cool him off. He seemed to perk up considerably after that. :clap: Idk what's wrong with him, if anything, but it was so cool being able to hold him for a minute. :cool:

Guess I'll have to add "Frog Whisperer" to my name. :heart::havingarest:

Near disaster.
Sometime last night something run amok. A lot of the water had drained over the side of the tad tank, the iris clumps had been moved and the driftwood rafts were out on the grass. No telling how many tads, if any, went overboard.
At feeding time it looked like just as many as yesterday, so maybe everyone is okay.
The iris clump in the small frog pond was moved also and a stick was knocked into the fish pond.
I spotted four newly emerged tads on the lip, along with about a dozen other tiny green froglets. :havingarest:

Walmart didn't have two of the foods I've been giving them, the bottom feeder veggie pellets and the API shrimp pellets. They went after the new food, but they had to work at it because they are small and round floaters. They couldn't get a good hold on them until they softened up a bit. After a while I gave them the goldfish flakes, which they love, and all are happy.

Wonder if the food is drawing critters?

Our cat food sure does.
I wondered that this morning too. But I feed only enough for them to eat, leftovers sink to the bottom.
I think this time it could have been my cat chasing the frogs. Just pushing on the side of the tank would cause an overflow.
I feed the cats inside - I used to feed them on the back porch, but ants would get into it. And possums.

If it happens again tonight, I'll move my driveway motion sensor to the back yard.