Jokers, on bring wood across the border now is alot harder than it use to be because of the bugs in it, if it has been milled there usually is no problem but if it is in block form they most likely will tell you no, donot worry on how hard the wood is cause it is hard enough to rip teeth of the stihl chain.
Chains= they can be what ever you want to run , your choose but if you have a real race chain it is up to you but it will be scrap after your cut, the hardwood will break the thin teeth . I am going to use the same rules and classes that we have used up here for along time at the fairs , they work so why change them.
classes= 0-49 cc,0-59cc, 0-80cc , 0-100cc , open
we will also have pipe classes cause some of you guys have pipes but still cut hardwood.
this is how you are going to cut , it will be a 2 cut timed event plus it will be a down and upcut, now if you are first up you will cut on the small end of the log for your down and upcut, now for your next cut you will be first cutting on the big end of the tree , so now the taper of the tree doesnot make any difference so this is kind of why we need to know cause we will be cutting alot of wood up
this is for fun but like anything else you need rules or things will get out of hand like the last one, so when more is known I will post it like the wood sizes but most likely the first 3 classes will be under 16 inch, the 2 bigger classes will be over 16 inch