I had a guy come into the strip club once, while I was bartending on a slow afternoon... just a couple a customers. He cozied up to the bar, ordered a beer, and we made small talk. He was a regular guy, blue jeans... tee shirt... nothing out of the ordinary. I found out he worked in some type of construction. Anyhow, after awhile he asked if the owner was in. I said no, but he was on his way. When I asked him what he wanted with the owner, he told me he moonlighted as a stripper, and he had been asked by the owner to do a 'lil show at his place.
Come to find out, it was the owner's girlfriends birthday, and the stripper was his present to her. I said sheet! We've never had a male stripper in here before. Sure enough, the owner came in with his girlfriend (and her girlfriends), and the owner told me to give him $100.
The dude made some easy money, that afternoon. In his street clothes, he just went up to the stage, and started dancing. The 1/2 dozen or so girls gathered around the stage, and proceeded to go freaking nuts when he started stripping. He danced for maybe 4 or 5 songs, with the ladys stuffing bills in his g-string, and that was it. Maybe 20 minutes work.
I shoulda been a stripper.