There are three "types" of 2 cycle oils
Or were until the whole buzz about "synthetics" became all the rage.
The most basic was straight oil with no detergents or additives. These were the oils that demanded high mix ratios and there was no "buzz" about where the base stock came from.....petroleum or plant base.
Then there were the oils with solid lubricants added to the base stocks which included some graphites and certain metallic salts (molys and sulphers) which were meant to help lubricate the engine and then to leave through the exhaust.
This was the type of oil that the Stihl petroleum premix was and likely still is for now.
Echo used this same type with different solids and ratios of additives but they have changed as of late I believe.
If you see gray or black solids in your oil or the oil itself is very dark or nearly opaque this is almost certainly this type of oil.
The third type is an actual plating type of lubricant which will form a thin film on the wear surfaces with use and is often included in the new semi and full synthetic blends.
It is highly advisable to use ratios recommended by the oil supplier for the individual engine involved as more is not only not always superior but can in fact be detrimental.
The new gas everyone has been recently screaming about has been in my area for 15 years and that is a nightmarish problem for old "tried and true" lubrication schemes that just about all the current 2 cycle manufacturers have clung to for god knows why.
The likelihood of damage due to higher than recommended oil ratios is dependent on lots of variables and I can show you some pics of some very advanced chainsaws that were designed to run on low mix ratios that were trashed by the owners not trusting the lower mix ratio that was recommended.
Partners were all speced at 50 to 1 from the late 70s and got bashed up about strongly urging using their brand oil only.
Of course the owners then bought the Partner oil and then would over mix because of what they were used to.
I was there during all the arguing and debate when the jump was from 24 and 32 to 1 down to 50 to 1.
Didn't mean to sound like I was attacking Timber Hitch if I did I apologize.
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