I understand where the reluctance to share too much comes from, I was a hard core racer once, any gains came at a high cost in both time and money but there were certain 'general' things that I'd happily pass on to anyone as I suppose I had enough arrogance and ego to think I could outdo my competitors anyway, but there are still a couple of things I learned that are still 'secret', if only because I haven't been near a race track or race workshop in something like twelve years
Back them, some of my peers wouldn't pass on anything, not one skerrick of info to anyone, including the newbies as they were all a potential threat on track and off to the established 'guru's'.
There's also the point that some people do blab badly, a tweak that may have taken years to evolve can be lost to the opposition quickly with an indiscreet slip of the tongue, but what we are mainly discussing here is pretty general in nature, not any specific numbers, more sign posts pointing a direction rather than map co-ordinates.