Some basic spring theory (and sorry if I'm teaching some to suck eggs)
If a linear rate spring is rated at 100lb/in, this means it takes 100lb force to compress the spring 1", another 100lb to compress the spring another 1", etc. (disregarding any closed, or closed and ground ends, etc that reduce the rate)
In other words, it takes 100lb to compress the spring 1", 200lb to compress 2", 300lb to compress 3", etc.
If we have a 100lb/in spring with a 10" free length and pre-load the spring by fixing it's length between two points to 7", it will take more than 300lb's of force to get the spring moving initially, but only an extra 100lb force to move it a full 1" (400lb total), another 100lb to move the next 1", etc.
if we reduce the pre-load to 2" (8"total length) it will take just over 200lb to get it moving, etc.
In effect Terry is lengthening the working coil length and hence reducing the pre-load, which reduces the load it takes to get it to move initially, or POP.