Find that hard to believe since it hasn't been released yet due to insurance and storage complications. They would only have it for trial purposes at this stage I would have thought. Rough pricing is 3.50-4.00 a litre I was told 12 months ago at our dealer conferenceWell my dealer is floggin the crap out of the fuel, all different sizes too.
Carbon fibre cord looks the goods [emoji106]
Should see if you can start up Ozito racing. A bit like HQ car racing. The poor mans sport. [emoji16][emoji12]
P.s welcome skip. Yup that can happen!! A saw for every day of the week and a back for each and you'll be rite [emoji13][emoji106]
Skip Sail here, thought i'd introduce myself.
Baltic pine?
G'day guy's...Has been flat out around here we have done a B-Double of drilled with end plates NSW sleepers and a B-Double of Victorian sleepers both long gone and we are a few thousand into a QLD sleeper order...We have been averaging 270 QLD sleepers a day boss man is very happy...Ya can keep the Victorian sleepers! man they are big chunks of wood! can't say I've ever been excited to hear we have an order for them knowing the gut busting that's about to go down haha...its crazy how each state has a different railway gauge!.....
Think it was the japs who said we will flog this country just based on our pathetic railway system? way back when they where all out cranky with the world (WW2)...So true, I saw a QLD locomotive on a truck once down in NSW and the highway happened to be running next to a railway line. I thought how strange, fancy having different gauges in bordering states. Would be so much easier if the train could just run on the train tracks lol
one word
but you gotta start it from cold when the flag drops
Now that would sort the men from the boys and no airostart
G'day Folks,
Skip Sail here, thought i'd introduce myself.
relatively new to serious chainsaw operation, but by necessity on a very steep learning curve!
We live on 370 acres of Box/stringybark /redgum country at Fryers Forest,Fryerstown in Central Victoria
So I was looking at some axes on the internets...
Bahahahahahahaha !!!G'day Skip and welcome to the site.
I haven't been here that long myself and what I know about chainsaws can be written on the back of a postage stamp for a local email. I have learnt that the sharper you keep your chain the more chance there is of it cutting your fingers when playing with it in the garage.
Sounds like an interesting set up with the living arrangements.....I know Fryers Forest, beautiful part of Vic for sure.
One thing you will notice here is that those that know own Stihls and those that think they know don't.
maybe its a south aust thing/problem.Find that hard to believe since it hasn't been released yet due to insurance and storage complications. They would only have it for trial purposes at this stage I would have thought. Rough pricing is 3.50-4.00 a litre I was told 12 months ago at our dealer conference