the all aussie dribble thread!

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My family's originally from neerim South moved to Geelong when I was young. Love going back there. Really wanted to go back but the other half won't leave the city. Seams to be a massive attraction for bike riders now. Dad used to work in and around the noojee and toorongo areas.

As for the firewood plantation. It's not really a business thing more of my own supply of wood, there's 30 acres cleared already so I'd plant in there. Going on Sunday to suss it out. Just not sure we're to begin.

If I were to grow timber, I'd consider the following....

1. Wattle the market be like in 10-20 years time.....what species are other people growing and should I grow a mix to hedge.

2. Do I want to limit myself to firewood....what other opportunities/markets may open up in that time.

3. Wattle is a relatively fast grower, considered a weed by many farmers and some varieties have an enormous density (the higher the density the more heat ignoring the effect of volatile oils)

4. Citrus and olive also have amazing densities but slow growers but with more potential markets.

5. Will cold fusion be viable by then and how will that effect my market.

Anyone who claims to know where we will be in 20 years time re technology and what market conditions will be like is deluded and is probably trying to screw you out of your hard earned cash.
I've used plenty of Red Cedar as firewood and can't say it's any better than Black Cypress pine, I'd call it a softwood myself dries out like balsa wood I only use it as a fire starter same with Black Cypress and add the hardwood when its cranking thanks to the faster burning softwoods... In my parts Red Cedar is slow growing and one would be better off if looking to grow a fast growing firewood something like Radiata/Slash/Taeda pine as a firewood but yes true is all softwood and no one uses softwood in AU for firewood! lol.... Well best I know of as far as hardwood goes are a few gums and such but one would still be looking at 20+ years before it would be worth getting stuck into for firewood...The wattle's are great firewood but still looking at 10 years + if not longer to get any kind of size to them around here anyways and then that's about 5in to 8in max and not much in the way of height...
Is all very interesting and food for thought am sure there has been many before us thinking the same thing (how to grow firewood fast?).....Cheers
View attachment 433865
Sorry I didn't mean to imply that red cedar was to be grown as fire wood, somebody doing that would be committing a crime against woodworking, with the sentence being forever being banished from wood working tools.
Sorry I didn't mean to imply that red cedar was to be grown as fire wood, somebody doing that would be committing a crime against woodworking, with the sentence being forever being banished from wood working tools.
Must be a niche market we have a lot of Red cedar and Silky oak ,even cut heads up and stacked them on planets for wood workers to turn up bowls and such and can't seem to give it away? , I burned off cuts they would have only gone in the mill fire as no one wanted them for anything..Cheers
Whilst I don't agree with all of the below, there are some home truths nonetheless.

Muslims are not happy.

They're not happy in Gaza ..
They're not happy in Egypt ..
They're not happy in Libya ..
They're not happy in Morocco ..
They're not happy in Iran ..
They're not happy in Iraq ..
They're not happy in Yemen ...
They're not happy in Afghanistan ...
They're not happy in Pakistan ..
They're not happy in Syria ..
They're not happy in Lebanon ...


They're happy in Australia ..
They're happy in Canada ..
They're happy in England ..
They're happy in France ..
They're happy in Italy ..
They're happy in Germany ..
They're happy in Sweden ..
They're happy in the USA ..
They're happy in Norway ..
They're happy in Holland ..
They're happy in Denmark ..

Basically, they're happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is!


Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves


AND THEN- They want to change those countries to be like, THE COUNTRY THEY CAME FROM WHERE THEY WERE UNHAPPY!
Excuse me, but I can't help wondering...
How frigging dumb can you get?
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide.

Lets have a look at the evidence:
- No Christmas
- No television
- No nude women
- No football
- No pork chops
- No hot dogs
- No burgers
- No beer
- No bacon
- Rags for clothes
- Towels for hats
- Constant wailing from some bloke in a tower
- More than one wife
- More than one mother-in-law
- You can't shave
- Your wife can't shave
- You can't wash off the smell of donkeys
- You cook over burning camel ****
- Your wife is picked by someone else for you
- and your wife smells worse than your donkey
- Then they tell them that "when they die, it all gets better"???

Well No Sh!t Sherlock!....
It's not like it could get much worse!
Good stuff good on em! Where does one find a wifey that can run a chainsaw?... The few wifeys I've had the misfortune of being in house lock down with would erupt like a volcano if the word chainsaw were ever spoken! like it was a swear word or something :crazy2:haha..

Cool to see the difference in techniques as in women can't lock their wrist as we can, something to do with us chucking rocks and sticks over a million years or some crap but yeah it really stands out in your vids...
Lucky buggers how cool the drive home talking about how well each other went and what needs working on for next time! :cheers:
My wife is now racing against us blokes in the speeds now, she is still getting used to the pierce cut but will be making some finals soon I reckon ( i dread the ride home when she gets around to beating me for a win :()
I know a dolly 9000 that spent roughly 20 years with a guy who ran a mill.
It's an amazingly healthy saw with thousands of hours on it.

I know a Dolly 9000 that spent roughly 10 years with a meatheaded moron who cut firewood. He basically destroyed the poor thing but funnily enough I got it running again and he's trying to kill it now for the second time. Some people shouldn't own chainsaws and this guy is one of them.
I know a Dolly 9000 that spent roughly 10 years with a meatheaded moron who cut firewood. He basically destroyed the poor thing but funnily enough I got it running again and he's trying to kill it now for the second time. Some people shouldn't own chainsaws and this guy is one of them.
My memory of the short run time I've had is - heavier than a 90cc husky/stihl but you virtually couldn't bog the thing.
Didn't remember it vibrating any worse than any other rubber mount saw.
My memory of the short run time I've had is - heavier than a 90cc husky/stihl but you virtually couldn't bog the thing.
Didn't remember it vibrating any worse than any other rubber mount saw.

That's about right. You could buy the Makita DCS9010 around $1170 from I think it was Sydney Tools a year or so ago. An equivalent 395XP or 660 was $1800+.
They're not observations or home truths Tony. What you have there is designed to spread hatred and intolerance towards Muslims.
Or highlight the ridiculousness of a minority who claim to be Muslim but do 'their' belief system, and darn near every other person on the planet, including those in host countries, a disservice.
They're not observations or home truths Tony. What you have there is designed to spread hatred and intolerance towards Muslims.

I don't read much of that sort of stuff, its like politics, just pisses people off and causes trouble, and your right in the above posting.
I don't like a fair few white ozzies too, good and bad in all people but if I was guarding the gate, no one would get in unless they lived and respected our country and culture, we have enough problems here now and those who won't can F*** off back to where they came from.
395 is the go, forget the rest.
Price doesn't matter when you have a new husky :).

response coming.......... now.
661 ;)

That's what is awaiting me once drag my arse out of bed this morning
They're not observations or home truths Tony. What you have there is designed to spread hatred and intolerance towards Muslims.

The hundreds of global jihadi groups like ISIS are the one actually spreading hatred towards Muslims. Not helped of course by the support of numerous local Muslims. Oh and I do actually know numerous old school local Muslims from both Lebanon and Turkey. These guys don't preach their heads off, are an absolutely lovely group of people, don't treat their women like sh*t, and the modern "bunch" aren't even in the same league. The modern bunch have rapidly become professional victims and the older Muslim community came here to work, not bludge. You should hear the absolute crap coming from some of the recently imported fruit picking contract workers in our area. One recently complained to a mate of mine who owns a local business that he assumed he would make enough money in Australia to buy a house. He mentioned that he may go back to Afghanistan because at least there he can make enough money to at least buy a car. Australia basically wasn't the lucky country that he thought it was. This fuc*er got into Australia claiming refugee status as he "would be killed if he got sent back to Afghanistan" yet it stands out like dog balls that he wasn't in fear of his life at all. He just jumped on the financial bandwagon like the vast majority of refugees from those countries have.
The hundreds of global jihadi groups like ISIS are the one actually spreading hatred towards Muslims. Not helped of course by the support of numerous local Muslims. Oh and I do actually know numerous old school local Muslims from both Lebanon and Turkey. These guys don't preach their heads off, are an absolutely lovely group of people, don't treat their women like sh*t, and the modern "bunch" aren't even in the same league. The modern bunch have rapidly become professional victims and the older Muslim community came here to work, not bludge. You should hear the absolute crap coming from some of the recently imported fruit picking contract workers in our area. One recently complained to a mate of mine who owns a local business that he assumed he would make enough money in Australia to buy a house. He mentioned that he may go back to Afghanistan because at least there he can make enough money to at least buy a car. Australia basically wasn't the lucky country that he thought it was. This fuc*er got into Australia claiming refugee status as he "would be killed if he got sent back to Afghanistan" yet it stands out like dog balls that he wasn't in fear of his life at all. He just jumped on the financial bandwagon like the vast majority of refugees from those countries have.
Which breeds contempt and does nothing to advance the cause of genuine refugees. Much like beheadings and suicide bombings are as impotent as labelling dissenting opinions hate speech and intolerance, or playing the victim or racist card. The energy is far better spent firstly exposing and acknowledging how utterly deluded some people are, how incompatible they are with some countries way of life, and doing our best to exclude that from our society.
Matt - I'm not disagreeing with you, but picking out sub standard humans from contract fruit picking crews is like shooting fish in a barrel. A massive percentage has a real reason why they only have itinerant work, they can't hold down a job.
On the other hand I've seen real refugees pick fruit and veg to get a first job in Australia, their profession didn't qualify them in Australia, and seeing doctors, engineers, etc bend their back in the rain to pick Brussel sprouts shows serious character.