the all aussie dribble thread!

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Well said matt, I've met a few nice older lebanese guys as well. They still believe in their religion but don't try to ram it down anyone's throat and acknowledge that they are far better off here. The majority of younger ones (many of which I went to school with) would turn on us the minute they thought they could get away with it and have no interest in living our way of life. They just put up with it because they couldn't handle the hard line in their own country. They were the bottom of the food chain where they came from but aim to be top dog here.i am not racist by any means but feel this is a real cause for concern and anyone who thinks otherwise has their head in the sand.
Matt - I'm not disagreeing with you, but picking out sub standard humans from contract fruit picking crews is like shooting fish in a barrel. A massive percentage has a real reason why they only have itinerant work, they can't hold down a job.
On the other hand I've seen real refugees pick fruit and veg to get a first job in Australia, their profession didn't qualify them in Australia, and seeing doctors, engineers, etc bend their back in the rain to pick Brussel sprouts shows serious character.

I've seen real refugees from various countries picking fruit here too. My point being that a number of those getting into Australia aren't real refugees at all which shows the holes in the current and previous system of entry. A number of Afghan refugees have entered Australia from provinces where there isn't even any Taliban activity yet claim their lives are in danger from the Taliban.
Don't think I'm against genuine refugees at all but stuffed if I'm stupid enough to believe that they're all "genuine" either.
I've seen real refugees from various countries picking fruit here too. My point being that a number of those getting into Australia aren't real refugees at all which shows the holes in the current and previous system of entry. A number of Afghan refugees have entered Australia from provinces where there isn't even any Taliban activity yet claim their lives are in danger from the Taliban.
Don't think I'm against genuine refugees at all but stuffed if I'm stupid enough to believe that they're all "genuine" either.
You should have watched 4 corners last night, or maybe you shouldn't! Might have ended up cross and yelling at the TV like I was.
You should have watched 4 corners last night, or maybe you shouldn't! Might have ended up cross and yelling at the TV like I was.

I didn't watch it but seeing that 40% of ABC journalists are Greens voters nothing surprises me with that channel anymore.
I dunno chippy, I think that what forms opinions for the average Aussie is things like our state (Vic) having to roster extra police on duty to cover our ANZAC Day March and telling police to work 2 up, both things resulting from perceived Muslim Terrorist threat.

Then have a look at the atrocities such as beheading noncombatant journalists on camera and the little Aussie (?) kid overseas with a head of some poor bstd in his hand. Now that is seriously warped ........ and that is what forms Aus. opinions.

Personally speaking I like the face covering and things like that, I took this pic. the other day of a blind Muslim ladies dog, rightly so the dog was also wearing M. garb.

This topic really gets me annoyed. The people we allow into our country needs to be further scrutinised. If all these do gooders get there way and we allow every man and his dog in the country it changes the Whole dynamic of the country. Look at the Balkans region, Bosnia and Herzegovina etc have been over run. It's now like the Wild West, most Aussies live in a bubble and don't realise the implications before it will be to late. I understand their are good/bad in all faiths/nationalities but most don't force their beliefs upon others as passionately and in a way good on them if we allow it to happen. This halal and kosher certification really gets up my goat. The local KFC near work has no bacon wtf how am I supposed to eat a tower combo without bacon!!! Good on dick smith for not agreeing to the halal cert. why should we have their beliefs imposed on us.
661 ;)

That's what is awaiting me once drag my arse out of bed this morning

One thing is for sure Benny, the 661 will be going long after you've had enough for the day.
For me the 395 does the exact same job.
Newest member of the family, real nice looker :)

View attachment 434136

But needs a bit of work before I can try it out.

MS211? I had a guy bring one in today that he got as payment from another bloke because he had no money to pay him. All I had to do was put fuel/oil in it and a new chain. It hadn't been started for at least a year. The guy then walked out my shed and started hacking into one of my logs with a big smile on his face.
MS211? I had a guy bring one in today that he got as payment from another bloke because he had no money to pay him. All I had to do was put fuel/oil in it and a new chain. It hadn't been started for at least a year. The guy then walked out my shed and started hacking into one of my logs with a big smile on his face.

Yup thats the one, seems like a pretty well built saw - dare I say it looks a bit like a mini 441. This one came from an abusive relationship though, so I'll have to hit up Benny for some parts.

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