Somebody's talking crap here & it ain't the tree!
good things come to end some time matt, we never could rely on state forests for our only supply, ... we should of been planting a hell of a lot more private plantations in the last 50 years, and using them in rotation while selective logging the state for high value logs instead of woodchip for china .... things would of been booming now lots of pine, cedar and what ever desired, with state supply of big value hardwoods still plentiful
I agree mate but the greens in Tassie are basically saying that instead of logging or farming they need to convert that income into "eco tourism". It's not about coming to an end, they don't want any sustainable logging or forestry at all.
Remember that a lot of these wankers are also against any form of land use for profit at all. If it's not the argument that it is encroaching on furry little critters, it's because of chemical useage etc etc. I'm not the world's biggest fan of old growth logging but these wankers have absolutely no bounds. If you'd have been to Tassie and seen some of these filthy, stinking protesters attempting to block development that would have created hundreds of badly needed jobs with little environmental impact you'd know what I mean. They were actually roping up into trees and tying canopies together so that the fallers could never be certain where the tree was going to fall. This was only to make an access track too, not clearfelling.
One thing that cracked me up while I was in Tassie is that they were calling certain areas of forest "old growth" when they had actually been completely clearfelled in the 50's. Basically every single tree left had emerged since then so maximum only maybe 50-60 years old.
In fact they probably think your farm should be turned into a nature reserve
There is no middle ground with these guys which is where I sit.
Greenies, can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em.