the all aussie dribble thread!

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any of you fellas shooting 223rem used the ADI reduced load for the 55grainer
,whats your thoughts ,bunny busting around the sheds:D

Not a real big fan of reduced loads mate. Sometimes you have issues with too much air space in the case and uneven ignition depending on the powder you use.

Are you talking the reduced 55gn load running AS30N at 1060fps? If so use your .22LR and save some pennies :)

EDIT: Beat me to it Chris. I'd be careful with that load and check that it fills the case properly. I think you'll find with only a few grains of AS30N it will have too much airspace to be reliable and accurate.
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I hear ya on the reduced loads,
I got a call this arvo from my brother,he tried it and reckons it sounds like a 22lr but failed to get any useful data like accuracy at? ,

I got a tonne of that wolf ammo years ago from HPGS,still using it up,only thing i found was them steel cases don't always chambe
r nice,good value if you don't reload :)
Dunno if we will see -4 tonite,5 ATM
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I may get told to got grow a pair, but...

Anybody here in to air trifles?

try this one for size!!!

.50-Caliber Dragon Slayer air rifle review from Pyramyd Air

got a mate thats pretty keen on em back home thats just got an s410 to play with and loves it. im thinking of getting something to have a shot with but no idea what i want, was used to shotties back in blighty! none too clever with a roo huh! would a (very) high powered air trifle put down a roo? how powerfull would i need to go?

anyone know anything about WA gun laws?
any of you fellas shooting 223rem used the ADI reduced load for the 55grainer
,whats your thoughts ,bunny busting around the sheds:D

just use a 40g hornady vmax and 22 to 23 of 2207 and watch the rabbit and prodjy vaporize you would have more likely hood or a rim fire bullet bouncing than that load just keep the back ground clear as with any round

Anybody here in to air trifles?

try this one for size!!!

.50-Caliber Dragon Slayer air rifle review from Pyramyd Air

got a mate thats pretty keen on em back home thats just got an s410 to play with and loves it. im thinking of getting something to have a shot with but no idea what i want, was used to shotties back in blighty! none too clever with a roo huh! would a (very) high powered air trifle put down a roo? how powerfull would i need to go?

anyone know anything about WA gun laws?[/QUOTE]

yeah they suck have you got a license yet
Anybody here in to air trifles?

try this one for size!!!

.50-Caliber Dragon Slayer air rifle review from Pyramyd Air

got a mate thats pretty keen on em back home thats just got an s410 to play with and loves it. im thinking of getting something to have a shot with but no idea what i want, was used to shotties back in blighty! none too clever with a roo huh! would a (very) high powered air trifle put down a roo? how powerfull would i need to go?

anyone know anything about WA gun laws?

As Darren has mentioned WA laws suck. If you want to go hunting you have to have a written letter of consent from the property owner and that property owner can only give out 6 (from memory?) of these letters depending on property size. An air rifle won't humanely put down a roo unless you beat it over the head with it and any calibre under .222 Remington is illegal for use on Kangaroos.
A mate of mine left WA after he got out of the SAS solely because of the gun laws.

That air rifle is a beast. It would put down a roo with head shots but illegally so.
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I dont bloody believe it I brought some secondhand parts off a yank on here a couple of months ago and I all but gave up on them turning up after this time but yesterday there they were I could get over it . Anyhow when I opened them up they were wrapped in the classifieds from there local rag to the firearms for-sale section looking at all there gear for sale that we used to have was a bit sad and advertising them in the paper we can't even do that here anymore my first gun came out of the Canberra times. Back when you could buy guns and ammo from Kmart how times have changed and sadly not for the better
I dont bloody believe it I brought some secondhand parts off a yank on here a couple of months ago and I all but gave up on them turning up after this time but yesterday there they were I could get over it . Anyhow when I opened them up they were wrapped in the classifieds from there local rag to the firearms for-sale section looking at all there gear for sale that we used to have was a bit sad and advertising them in the paper we can't even do that here anymore my first gun came out of the Canberra times. Back when you could buy guns and ammo from Kmart how times have changed and sadly not for the better

I hope the gun rules in the states get really a lot tougher their bopping Aussie out for a walk or are we just fair game
Well the criminals here aren't covering them selves in glory and we have pretty stout laws compared to there and what's it stopped absolutely nothing
I dont bloody believe it I brought some secondhand parts off a yank on here a couple of months ago and I all but gave up on them turning up after this time but yesterday there they were I could get over it . Anyhow when I opened them up they were wrapped in the classifieds from there local rag to the firearms for-sale section looking at all there gear for sale that we used to have was a bit sad and advertising them in the paper we can't even do that here anymore my first gun came out of the Canberra times. Back when you could buy guns and ammo from Kmart how times have changed and sadly not for the better
yeah guns were just down from fishing rods, how times have changed,can remember walking into the local toyworld and walking out with a brick of 22lr and a spanking new rifle for under $200,dad purchased his mod 70 270w from there as well ,this was all before licencing of coarse

I hope the gun rules in the states get really a lot tougher their bopping Aussie out for a walk or are we just fair game
nothing will change

Well the criminals here aren't covering them selves in glory and we have pretty stout laws compared to there and what's it stopped absolutely nothing
all that it has done is drive gun prices up and gunshops to close
Well the criminals here aren't covering them selves in glory and we have pretty stout laws compared to there and what's it stopped absolutely nothing

Well the dxxxheads aint after glory and if they follow the American way of things god help us.

all that it has done is drive gun prices up and gunshops to close and not soon enough
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Thanks for the rapid replies!

No,no license yet, not even sure ill get one, was in a bit of bother years ago, not really gun related but it may pop up and bite me. Will have to see.
The FIL is/was a gunsmith but only really messes with muzzle loaders now and is 5+hrs away. Ill pick his brains when i speak to him next too. He has his own cannon at home and the last time he let it go the hippie neighbours blamed him (in the paper) for knocking the cosmos out of alignment!

For now ill have a read up, from what ive seen theres a #### load to read. Bugger!

Im on 120 acres here and have up to 70 roos here pretty much all the time (a city type visiting asked how we keep them in! Haha! I told her id trained the dog.)

So for now, it HAS to be .222 or over for a roo? I know its a $10k fine per roo if i take em off the property but thats no prob, theyre only for me n the dog.

Anything else i should lookout for?

Its another media lie about oz and the 'freedom' here, the place is portrayed as having every man woman and child rolling round with at least a 12, a .22 and usually a .303 in their vehicle!
You can buy guns in the ads paper, the quokka, here but all with liscence no.s printed in the ad and AR's require a ticket also. You dont need (or diddnt when i left) anything to own one there, they are sold on markets! The guys will usually hot em up for ya too!
What sort of money would i be looking at for a cheap .222? I dont want it blowing my face off but i wont be using it much so dont wanna go spendy. Any models i should lookout for or even just features? Ive had little experience with rifles so any input welcomed.
I still want an AR too. Just for fun and to protect the veggie patch. The ging is good but theres always other ways! Haha!
Thanks for the rapid replies!

No,no license yet, not even sure ill get one, was in a bit of bother years ago, not really gun related but it may pop up and bite me. Will have to see.
The FIL is/was a gunsmith but only really messes with muzzle loaders now and is 5+hrs away. Ill pick his brains when i speak to him next too. He has his own cannon at home and the last time he let it go the hippie neighbours blamed him (in the paper) for knocking the cosmos out of alignment!

For now ill have a read up, from what ive seen theres a #### load to read. Bugger!

Im on 120 acres here and have up to 70 roos here pretty much all the time (a city type visiting asked how we keep them in! Haha! I told her id trained the dog.)

So for now, it HAS to be .222 or over for a roo? I know its a $10k fine per roo if i take em off the property but thats no prob, theyre only for me n the dog.

Anything else i should lookout for?

Its another media lie about oz and the 'freedom' here, the place is portrayed as having every man woman and child rolling round with at least a 12, a .22 and usually a .303 in their vehicle!
You can buy guns in the ads paper, the quokka, here but all with liscence no.s printed in the ad and AR's require a ticket also. You dont need (or diddnt when i left) anything to own one there, they are sold on markets! The guys will usually hot em up for ya too!
What sort of money would i be looking at for a cheap .222? I dont want it blowing my face off but i wont be using it much so dont wanna go spendy. Any models i should lookout for or even just features? Ive had little experience with rifles so any input welcomed.
I still want an AR too. Just for fun and to protect the veggie patch. The ging is good but theres always other ways! Haha!

It's probably a $10k fine for shooting one full stop without a permit. You should be able to get a reasonable .222 and scope for under $1000. Even though I have a .222 and love it you'd probably find it easier to go for a .223 as they are a bit more common now.
Also with the gun ads in the Quokka I'm pretty sure you'll find that the actual firearm transfer can only take place at a gun shop or police station. Any previous history with the police "may" come back and bite you but it depends on who you talk to. I've been on the receiving end of a gun hating cop once and they made my life very difficult despite not breaking any laws.
Most country cops realise that guns out here are a part of life and many are shooters themselves so you generally don't get much of a hard time from them.
hire a few types from local hire yard you'll get to test run different models get some work done and for $100 a day test the need vs cost vs want new toy equation far more objectively.

Thats some good advice actually. (I'm the one looking for tractors)

Very long story short I should have access to reasonable quantity of trees that will all have to come out for a development. If I don't take them they will end up being pushed into piles and burnt. At the moment I'm taking out anything dead and giving away to friends but it turns out the wood is actually very good for burning so I'm looking at setting up a small firewood selling operation.


It's probably a $10k fine for shooting one full stop without a permit. You should be able to get a reasonable .222 and scope for under $1000. Even though I have a .222 and love it you'd probably find it easier to go for a .223 as they are a bit more common now.
Also with the gun ads in the Quokka I'm pretty sure you'll find that the actual firearm transfer can only take place at a gun shop or police station. Any previous history with the police "may" come back and bite you but it depends on who you talk to. I've been on the receiving end of a gun hating cop once and they made my life very difficult despite not breaking any laws.
Most country cops realise that guns out here are a part of life and many are shooters themselves so you generally don't get much of a hard time from them.

I agree with matt I think a 223 would be a better option or 243 222 is a good cal but you may find your self reloading for it not sure how many shops would stock factory crackers and if they do it would be limited choice I would expect
I agree with matt I think a 223 would be a better option or 243 222 is a good cal but you may find your self reloading for it not sure how many shops would stock factory crackers and if they do it would be limited choice I would expect

like matt said ,big fine for shooting roos without a permit,as for calibre,223Rem is probably the calibre of choice for pro roo shooters,every shot has to count and be a clean kill,
Well the dxxxheads aint after glory and if they follow the American way of things god help us.

all that it has done is drive gun prices up and gunshops to close and not soon enough

no way Bob ,we need more of them,people in the community seem to have gotten soft or something theses daysthey need to be educated not made to fear theses things,
ya can't have this or that anymore,ya get caught with pool chemicals and urea in the back of the ute you're screwed,can't go down to the local hardware and buy a box of gelly for stumps anymore,WTF.........................:angry:
like matt said ,big fine for shooting roos without a permit,as for calibre,223Rem is probably the calibre of choice for pro roo shooters,every shot has to count and be a clean kill,

I have no idea about the rules where you are but here if you get sprung shooting a macropod your well and truly ####ed. But here there's a list of approved shooters and all old mate farmer needs to do is contact sparks&wildfires they assess the problem and supply him with tags and a list of contact numbers for said shooters not sure on min cal here tho I think it's 243 a.c.t has some funny rules
It's probably a $10k fine for shooting one full stop without a permit. You should be able to get a reasonable .222 and scope for under $1000. Even though I have a .222 and love it you'd probably find it easier to go for a .223 as they are a bit more common now.
Also with the gun ads in the Quokka I'm pretty sure you'll find that the actual firearm transfer can only take place at a gun shop or police station. Any previous history with the police "may" come back and bite you but it depends on who you talk to. I've been on the receiving end of a gun hating cop once and they made my life very difficult despite not breaking any laws.
Most country cops realise that guns out here are a part of life and many are shooters themselves so you generally don't get much of a hard time from them.

When my safe got checked some time back, the local copper rang and asked for a look see on his way past heading home.
No problems, I could of said no and arrange another day, but I said ok and then forgot about it, that evening he turned up.
He stayed with me as we walked into the shed after I got the keys, and he produced a list of what should be in there. Usually they just have a look and if the count is right that's it, they are happy. Not this time he asked me to hand him each one so he could check the serial numbers / calabour against his list.
After that complete, he asked for the top to be opened, then checked each box looking for bullets for a different gun.
He was on the ball but was not smart about it, he just got serious until the contents checked out, then he changed completely and was ok. He spent maybe 1/2 hour chatting about different things, before saying he had a couple more neibours to check and best be off.

My guess is if I had bullets for something else, he would of gone looking or at least say please explain.

Gun ownership is getting harder, so its more than ever important to do everything right.
When my safe got checked some time back, the local copper rang and asked for a look see on his way past heading home.
No problems, I could of said no and arrange another day, but I said ok and then forgot about it, that evening he turned up.
He stayed with me as we walked into the shed after I got the keys, and he produced a list of what should be in there. Usually they just have a look and if the count is right that's it, they are happy. Not this time he asked me to hand him each one so he could check the serial numbers / calabour against his list.
After that complete, he asked for the top to be opened, then checked each box looking for bullets for a different gun.
He was on the ball but was not smart about it, he just got serious until the contents checked out, then he changed completely and was ok. He spent maybe 1/2 hour chatting about different things, before saying he had a couple more neibours to check and best be off.

My guess is if I had bullets for something else, he would of gone looking or at least say please explain.

Gun ownership is getting harder, so its more than ever important to do everything right.

Neil I have heard rumour a lot of safe Inspections came about due to losing info at the firearms regestory I have no doubt tho that the nsw regestory has Been breached due to a number of break ins where the only thing stolen was guns and only need too look at the whoha in customs to see its very posable to have a man on the inside

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