Make a second one pleasebloody pissed off!
Ive just been striping down a 1984 Husky 266 SE that is all original and in dirty but VGC. Only thing giving me any grief is the flywheel. Prior to this saw I have only ever had one flywheel give me trouble, and that was a 272xp and it ended up snapping in half! So im being more cautious with this one. I have the genuine Husky flywheel removeal tool. Well it isnt budging and the main flat plate (5-6mm) of the puller is bending. Not too fazed about that, Ill draw one up and get it laser cut in 10mm. Anyway, I turn to grab another spanner from my roll cab and the bloody crank case rolls off the work bench to land on the concrete floor. Cracked and bent the rear left corner just below the choke handle! Really, REALLY pisses me off!. Wasnt near the edge either, a good 150-200mm from it before it rolled off. Such a shame, whilst it wasnt NIB it was complete and original and would have come up very nice![]()
lol yeah, would love to see the little ol te20 pushing out 500 horsey
500hp from the old vanguard engine, yes that would be asking a bloody lot.
Lol ploughing would be done in no time.
I came across the old promotional fergie videos from the 1940's on youtube and they were a good laugh - comparing the new tractor technology to horses and the like.
My dad has always liked the the old vanguard (petorl/kero) engine, but I preferred the 4 cyl diesel, was a fun little tractor.
I grew up with the famous grey myself, my brother collects old fergies and has several fine examples of the type, one of which has an original diesel 4 cyl fitted. He told me its the same vanguard engine except for the head, something I never knew.
I own a much later version (was my late fathers) 154x4 Ferguson with the later 3cyl engine, built new in 1978.
theres been a few small tractors converted to petrol V8 that show up at the Moruya surfair speedway Nationals from time to time, bloody funny sight watching a little tractor take off up the dragstrip on the back wheels, with driver near chitting his pants and just holding on
Sshityeah me tooCan you find some footage of that, would like to see that one.
Whats your point Bob?