the all aussie dribble thread!

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Must be the cool air or something ,got these on my bench


Yup got one of those and it actually runs well seen no work. The little homo lite I was playing with today will be ready to fuel up one I fit the new fuel hose tomorrow I like how the oiler works off the crank pulse. Real bobby dazzler
Very interesting article mate. Good stuff.

As for the AR ammo and long range stuff? My AR-15 is a different animal, and I do not shoot it more than 300 yards. My AR has all the items that they were once banned here nationally and it was a 'pre-ban' rifle (the national assault rifle ban was lifted under the Bush II administration). These are really cheapie guns compared to higher quality hunting rifles. They are gas charge recoil ejected and that sucks up muzzle velocity. Semi-autos are not exactly good as long range sniper rifles. But they were not designed for that. They are for the oncoming Zombie Apocalypse.


I got this from the Dallas SWAT. They sold it because it did not eject well. That was a flaw in the original design of the AR-15/M-16. The co-designer of the AR developed the 'D Ring' that solved the problem for $12. Now it ejects great. The items that made the AR banned as an assault rifle here nationally were the pistol grip, grenade launch pin, flash suppressor, collapsible stock, and high capacity magazines.
Ah, another round of American bashing. How quaint. Like you are so forking superior in NZ and all. Bloody Kiwis. Oh, let me add a smilie to make it into a joke... :D :buttkick:

Yeah it's become a national sport sadly. Generally by those who have never been there or who have never met anybody from the US. I have had some massive arguments with people about this as the ones who love to hate the US are the same ones who hate Muslim bashing etc. They can't seem to grasp that it's the same thing yet somehow because it's America it's OK. If I say similar things about Pakistan etc I'm a racist. The media has got a lot to do with it and it's gotten being a joke.
Yup got one of those and it actually runs well seen no work. The little homo lite I was playing with today will be ready to fuel up one I fit the new fuel hose tomorrow I like how the oiler works off the crank pulse. Real bobby dazzler
for an old saw they go good ,both are good runners,the one with the busted fuel line is the better ,I actually broke the fuel line a few weeks ago when moving it ,it was brittle,time for some tygon
Matt either my head is stuck in the sand here in NZ or random problems with folks needing to defend themselves etc... with weapons/guns is all hushed up. If it happens at all its sensational news at the time because its so few and far between.

It wasn't meant as an American bash and I'm sorry if it is portrayed that way. I speak with people in America on a regular basis that I'm happy to call them mates. In fact we have an open invitation that if anyone is ever in NZ that wants to see some scenery, go fishing,hunting or wood chopping that all they need to do is contact me an I will sort something out.
Hey I can understand mate but remember that there are different conditions around the world that we simply don't understand. For example I worked with a white South African guy who slept with a 9mm Beretta 92FS under his pillow before he came to Australia. A colleague of mine actually called this guy "Rambo" and he went off his nut. His words were to the effect "You have got no fuc*ing idea what it is like there. When a black breaks into your fuc*ing house he doesn't just steal your TV - he ties you up, rapes your wife in front of you, then slits her throat. Get the picture?".
I shake my head at some of the gun fanatics I've seen over the years both here and abroad but if I lived in a country where I could buy M4's etc I'd buy one similar to Windthrown and I'm far from a nutjob.
In fact I was only weeks away from buying an SLR (FN L1A1) when Port Arthur took place.

I do however think that some people have a higher perceived risk from intruders than the actual risk but I have no problem with people keeping a firearm for home defence. An M60 with a 200 round belt is probably taking it a bit far though :)
All good bro. I can see where things have become a lil confused. I actually wasn't refferring to Windthrown as a Nutjob lol, but from reading his posts the people whom he feels obligated to needing guns for personal safety.

Sorry for the confusion, maybe my post was too general.
All good bro. I can see where things have become a lil confused. I actually wasn't refferring to Windthrown as a Nutjob lol, but from reading his posts the people whom he feels obligated to needing guns for personal safety.

Sorry for the confusion, maybe my post was too general.

That's why I hate anyone starting up on politics or $hit like that,,, always ends up in a $hit fight and those who are involved forget what why it started and just get swept away with crap.
Sadly I have read the same regarding aussi and yanks on this forum and it can get out of hand quick.... I seem to remember couple of years back on this thread about Port Arthur and what followed.......

For Wayne (gmax) fired up old 70 yesterday and done a bit of sawing,,,,, oh yes it still goes, still vibrates and still is a Chinese copy,, But it does go and cut wood.

edit... Just a pic to show what a copy looks like compared to a real 90.
DSC00506 (640x480).jpg
I don't mind yanks have had a few as mates ofer the years and have been top blokes and have ventured over the pond a few times. One thing that does **** me is there television program's everything is the biggest baddest worst hotest coldest ect in the WORLD so I just don't watch
The rest of the world get a pretty bad impression of the US as a whole because the world's media like to portray it as having a mass shooting every day and gangs with Uzis on every street corner. Because the general population are exposed to the mass media everyday they think it's standard fare and true to life.
As far as previous political discussions I try to avoid them as well but I'm sure as hell not going to sit back and keep my mouth shut with some of the crap that was getting aired on here a while ago. You simply can't have one person taking the stage without anybody firing back.
What went on should have been left to the conspiracy theory forums.
That's why I hate anyone starting up on politics or $hit like that,,, always ends up in a $hit fight and those who are involved forget what why it started and just get swept away with crap.
Sadly I have read the same regarding aussi and yanks on this forum and it can get out of hand quick.... I seem to remember couple of years back on this thread about Port Arthur and what followed.......

For Wayne (gmax) fired up old 70 yesterday and done a bit of sawing,,,,, oh yes it still goes, still vibrates and still is a Chinese copy,, But it does go and cut wood.

edit... Just a pic to show what a copy looks like compared to a real 90.
View attachment 348860

Geez old Gmax 090 makes you saw look like a power puff Neil wait till you see the fourth in the series from me
yep best we just forget Martin Bryant was a superb marksman from the hip ...woops i didnt say anything ;)

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